06: Secret

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**EDITED: 5/15/17**

I sat in a tree, watching the sky. It was finally morning, and the events of last night haunted my thoughts.

I was confused and scared. I didn't know what happened, let alone how it happened. The wolf was already strange enough, but when I seemed human... that was enough for me to run away. I knew my humanity had disappeared long ago, when I had let myself go along with the Volturi's ways. Seeing myself like that left a sickening feeling in my stomach. I wrapped my arms around myself and sighed.

I sat in silence of a long time, until I heard footsteps. I leaned forward, trying to see who was there. I frowned and jumped down from the tree, landing in a crouch.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, watching as Jasper emerged from the woods. "I thought I told you not to follow me," I said frowning; my gift should have prevented him from following.

"Technically I didn't follow. I was just walking around when I happened upon your scent," I rolled my eyes.

"That's still following. You shouldn't have physically been able to follow."

"Why's that?" Jasper asked and frowned.

"That's my gift. I can control people by just telling them what to do." I explained and leaned against the tree. Jasper nodded in understanding.

"You'll have to excuse Edward; he was still tense from fighting Victoria and the newborns."

I shrugged, "I understand why he said all that. It's not like he was lying, he just didn't have to be an ass about it," I mumbled.

"I agree." Jasper frowned, "that's not the only thing that's bothering you, is it?"

I sighed, of course he could tell. Jasper was always able to read me like a book. "Something weird happened last night; it just shook me up a bit." Jasper gave me a look and I shook my head, knowing he wasn't going to drop it. "I was at a small pond last night when a huge wolf came over to me. I was petting it when it licked me. I went to wash away the drool when I noticed my reflection. I had my old green eyes, and then I could feel my heart beating." I took a deep, unneeded breath. "The wolf ran off and I ran from the pond, climbing this tree when I noticed that I was back to normal, well vampire normal. I didn't even know that it was possible to feel human again."

Jasper grabbed my wrist and began pulling me though the woods, "We'll ask Carlisle if he knows what happened. As for the wolf, you should be thankful it didn't attack you. Those huge wolves are shifters, humans that can change into wolves. They hunt vampires, but we have a treaty with the local pack. But you're a stranger; they could've killed you, Belle."

"I can handle myself Jasper," I huffed. "If there were too many I could've compelled them and run away." Jasper just rolled his eye. Eventually we got back to the house and he dragged me to what I assumed was Carlisle's study.

Carlisle looked up at us as we entered. He smiled kindly, "Jasper, Annabelle what can I do for you?"

"Actually, Carlisle, Annabelle has something rather interesting to tell and ask you." I glared at Jasper for putting me on the spot and turned my attention to Carlisle. He used to do that all the time when we were children, leaving me to explain situations to our parents so that he wouldn't have to suffer their scolding head on; he'd just get the aftermath.

"Um, yes. I was out in the woods yesterday when I came across a pond. I sat at the edge, letting my feet soak in the water. It wasn't until I saw my reflection that I noticed that my eyes were somehow back to their human color and that I was crying. Then I felt my heart beating, and that's when I ran from the pond. I'm assuming the pond has something to do with what happened but I'm not entirely sure," I explained, leaving the wolf out of the explanation. I didn't want Carlisle to worry about the pack of wolves they have a treaty with. And some part of me, a part I can never show, wanted to keep the wolf to myself. I wanted to figure out the wolf, and who it was if it was part of the pack of shifters.

Carlisle frowned, "Are you sure that it was the pond that caused this?"

I nodded. "The um, human effects stopped after I ran from the pond." I watched as Carlisle nodded to himself and stood, looking through his books before pulling an old looking book out. He flipped open the book before settling on a page and placed it in front of Jasper and I on the desk.

I leaned forward, feeling Jasper do the same next to me. I frowned at the title of the page.

"Lake Nostos?"

"It's a mythical lake said to contain magical properties that would return to you something that was once lost, which in your case would be humanity," Carlisle explained.

I shook my head, "but I was at a pond, not a lake."

"I don't think that matters, Belle." Jasper said from next to me. I looked at him and frowned when I saw the curious look on his face. "This sounds like the only explanation."

I sighed, "Alright, let's say that it's true. The pond is this magical lake that can make us human again. What do we do with it?"

"For now, we don't do anything. We're already being watched by the Volturi and if one of us suddenly turns human again it may start a war with them. You know as well as I do that they do not like anything they can control." Carlisle sighed and crossed his arms. "Just try to forget about it for now, Annabelle. I'd advise not to go looking for it again."

I sighed and nodded. "Thank you Carlisle." I said politely and walked out of the study. The whole situation was crazy, even if I live in a world where vampires and shifters exist. I was making my way to the door when someone tackled me to the ground. I growled and quickly turned the tables, pinning my attacker down. I frowned when I saw Emmett under me and rolled my eyes, standing up.

"Why did you tackle me? Y'know I could have seriously hurt you?" I asked and crossed my arms, watching as Emmett smirked and stood up.

"I just wanted to see how strong the Southern Belle was," I rolled my eyes at the nickname.

"Are you satisfied to know that I can easily pin you down?"

"Please, you just had me down for barely a second." Emmett scoffed. "I could easily take you down, but I don't want Jasper killing me because I hurt his baby sister."

I smirked, "Right, that's the reason. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you're scared that I could be stronger than you."

"Please, girls are just naturally weaker than guys. It's not your fault," Emmett said cockily. I scoffed, wondering if I should take him seriously right now. 

"Is that so, Em?" I turned at the new voice and saw Rosalie standing by the stairs with her arms crossed and a perfect eyebrow raised.

"You know I'm just joking, Rose." Emmett laughed. "Southern Belle here knows I'm just joking too, right?" Emmett nudged my shoulder playfully and I rolled my eyes.

"I'd 'preciate it if you didn't call me Southern Belle," I said in a bored tone.

"Whatever you say, Southern Belle." I rolled my eyes and glared at Emmett who simply left the room.

"I wouldn't worry about the nickname if I were you," Rosalie said softly. "It's just Emmett's way of showing he likes you."

"So him tackling me to the ground was the welcoming party?" I joked, smiling as Rosalie laughed. "I'm glad at least someone likes me here. I never got to thank you for defending me last night."

"You're welcome, Annabelle. I wouldn't worry about Edward, you were right when you said his head is far up his ass." Rosalie assured. "The rest of us would like it if you stayed. I'm sure Edward would come around to the idea after his human isn't so fragile anymore." She said the last part with mild annoyance.

"Thank you Rosalie," I smiled. "I still need to think about it though. I wouldn't want to put anyone in danger." Rosalie looked like she wanted to protest, but decided against it.  I nodded at her and walked out the back door, making my way back into the woods. I looked back at the house when I was far enough into the woods, and sighed. Jasper wouldn't want me to go back on my own, but a small secret couldn't hurt, right?

I turned and walked through the woods, trying to remember the way to the pond. I hoped I could find it. I also hoped that a certain wolf would show up again.

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