28: Kimi

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**EDITED: 5/17/17**

I woke up with a massive headache and ran my hands through my hair. I opened my eyes to a dark room. It was morning, the only window showed the sun bleeding into the sky as birds began chirping. From what I could tell, the room I was in only had a bed, which I was currently laying on, and a dresser in the corner.

I sat up, letting my bare feet touch the stone floor. I shivered and sighed. I tried to remember what had happened before I woke up, but my mind was drawing a blank.

And that's when I panicked.

My mind drew a blank on everything. I couldn't remember my name, my age, where I was, who I was. Everything was gone.

I ran my hand through my hair, startled when my hair ended right above my shoulders. I couldn't help but feel like my hair should be longer, but it wasn't. I shook my head and stood up. I tugged at the oversized t-shirt and cotton shorts that must be my pajamas and made my way towards the door. My hand gripped the doorknob and slowly twisted.

The hall was as dark as my room, lined with a couple doors and ended at another door, light pouring out from the bottom. I could hear soft humming from the other side of the door and my heart raced. My feet padded against the stone floor as I slowly made my way towards the door. I wasted no time in opening the door this time, wincing when the light blinded me for a second. The humming stopped and when I opened my eyes, there was a woman staring at me from across the room next to a sink, the room reminding me of a kitchen but with less clutter. Her hands dripped with water and her brown eyes looked shocked. Her dark hair was pulled up into a bun, stray curls falling from the bun. She wiped her hands on her jeans and took a step towards me, slowly as if I was a scared animal.

"Kimi?" Was that my name? Kimi? "How are you feeling, child?" I took a step away from her when she reached out to touch my face.

"Where am I?" The woman's face fell.

"We are home. Are you alright?" I shook my head.

"I don't remember anything," My voice shook and I felt tears prick at my eyes.

"Come and sit, child," The woman put her arm around my shoulder and sat me down on a chair at the table. "You came home last night so flustered and bleeding, I was afraid that you... it seems as though I was right." The woman shook her head and placed her hand on my shoulder as she took a seat next to me. I noticed that there were only two chairs at the table, and if the woman was right and this is my home, then someone else lived here. And my best bet was this woman, who was probably my mother by the way she was so flustered over me. "Do you remember anything?" I shook my head. "It is truly serious if you do not recognize your own mother," she shook her head, confirming my suspicions.

"I'm sorry, mother." I said quietly, the words feeling weird coming out of my mouth.

"Do not fret, child. We will have you remembering by lunch," she smiled tightly. "Now, why don't you go out and pick the apples while I finish making breakfast." I nodded, and stood silently, walking back down the hallway from before. I entered the room I woke up in, which I guess is my room, and headed to the dresser. I changed into jeans and a sweater. I brushed my hair, noting that it was dark like my mothers, but I couldn't help but feel strange with dark hair. I shook the thought away and went back to the kitchen, heading straight to the front door.

"Oh, Kimi please put on a coat. It's cold outside."

"Okay, mother." I shook my head, feeling a massive sense of deja vu, and grabbed a coat and the basket Mother handed me, before walking out.

The air was crisp and cold as I walked outside. I saw the apple tree a few feet from the house, which really was a cottage now that I look at it. I placed the basket on the ground and reached up to pick the apples. I guess it would have been peaceful, but I couldn't help but wonder why we lived in the middle of the forest.

Once the basket was full, I surprised myself by being able to carry it without any struggle. Mother was setting the small table, and the smell of pancakes filled the air.

I was silent as my mother cut the apples and placed them into a dish in the center of the table. We ate in silence.

"Mother? Why do we live in the middle of the forest?" My mother stopped eating before putting another forkful into her mouth.

"Because the people who live in this world are cruel and selfish. You are a gift that needs to be protected, child."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sure you've noticed your abnormal strength," I nodded. "You are half immortal, and if the world were to find out about you they would tear you apart for their own selfish needs. I fully intend on keeping you safe from them. Do you understand, my child?" I waited for the feeling of shock to overcome me, but it didn't. I suppose I knew before the amnesia that I was half immortal, and that had lessened the shock now...right?

"But surely there are others like me. Can't we go and try to find them? They could be residing in-"

"Enough!" My mouth clamped shut when Mother snapped at me. "You are to stay within the boundaries of this cottage and that's final! Kimi, I just want you to be safe and the only way for that to be ensured is for you to stay here. Understand?" I sighed and slumped back into my chair.

"Yes, Mother."

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