36: A Future Wedding

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**EDITED: 5/17/17**

I was never a stranger to trouble. Jasper likes to remind me that I was a troublemaker from the time I was able to crawl. It got progressively worse when I began talking. Once I found out that I could talk my way out of any trouble I got into, I used it to my advantage.

I never did anything that would get me thrown into jail... most of the time. And Jasper was always looking out for me- he could be very persuasive when he wanted to be. So I never really got punished for whatever havoc I caused.

It was always Jasper and I- we were each other's best friends and we were very protective of each other.

So you can imagine how well he reacted when I told him about running off with my friends from the Volturi to go witch hunting. There was quite a lot of yelling and scolding, mainly from him and a bit from Rosalie. I got lectured on how reckless I was being and how stupid I was to run off like that.

I couldn't blame them- it was stupid and reckless for me to go. But I was surprised when I didn't get grounded for eternity.

We were just worried about the possible side effects now- especially since Rosalie wanted to have a baby. Carlisle was running tests on the both of us, and while I hated being treated like a lab rat I knew I had to endure it for Rosalie's sake. While I didn't feel any different-besides the whole half human thing- Carlisle thought it was best to run as many tests as possible. It took a couple hours, and once Carlisle didn't need me anymore I went outside for fresh air and without the threat of Lucy, I didn't need to have a babysitter with me.

That's how I found myself sitting alone at the edge of the dried up pond, staring into the dirt. I hugged my knees to my chest letting my mind wander to the deepest parts that I kept locked away.

I stayed silent when I heard someone approach me, then sit next to me. I knew who it was before he even said anything- the warmth radiating off of his body was all too familiar.

"This isn't your fault, you know."

"Then whose is it?" I scoffed, "We both know it's mine so there's no point in denying it." Seth's arm snaked its way around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and let his hand take mine. "She said there were other creatures out there, ones that we think that are myths."

Seth snorted, "What like fairies and unicorns and sirens and nymphs? Babe, those things can't be real."

I shot him a look, "That's what humans think of vampires and werewolves, babe. I don't think we should rule out the possibility."

"So what, you want to go look for them?"

"No, of course not. I just think we should be prepared in case we run into someone like that." I shrugged. "Right now, I just want to live a normal life for as long as I can until something else comes along."

"And what exactly does having a normal life entail for us?" Seth squeezed my shoulder, his tone light and carefree. 

"I don't know. Romantic dates and Netflix filled nights?" I bit my lip, "Maybe a wedding."

"You want to get married?" A small grin made its way to Seth's lips.

"Eventually, yes." I smiled, "probably not now."

"Why not?" Seth jumped up, dragging me up with him.

"What?" I blinked, raising an eyebrow.

Seth laughed nervously, "Why not now? I mean we both love each other, and obviously we want to marry each other and spend the rest our lives with each other. I realize it's probably not the most romantic proposal and it seems impulsive, but I love you with every fiber of my being and I never want us to be apart." Seth took my hands in his and dropped to one knee. I swear my heart stopped beating and all the air flew out of my lungs. "Annabelle Cassandra Whitlock-"

"Stop," I whispered. "Seth, I love you with everything I am and you've made me a much better person than I could ever be without you. But we can't get married now. Everything's just moving so fast around me and I'm struggling to keep up with everything. I want to marry you, but not now. I think I just need you- us- to be my rock, to be something that's steady in the madness that is my life... I'm sorry."

Seth stood up, keeping my hands in his. His lips tugged up in the slightest smile, his eyebrows knitted together and his brown eyes flooded with understanding. "Okay. We'll wait and whenever you're ready we'll get married."

I sighed in relief and threw my arms around his neck, burying my face in the space between my arms and his neck. "Thank you for understanding," I whispered. Seth's arms wrapped around my waist tightly as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

I couldn't remember the last time I was held like that, but being there- where it all started- and to hold onto Seth like a lifeline and for him to hold me the same, I didn't think I'd ever want to leave. And I didn't. But it was when my phone rang (of course it was Jasper calling) that we had to go back to the house. I vaguely wondered if Carlisle had found out anything, but I tried to keep my my mind from going there to prevent it from turning to the worst case scenario. I just let myself walk hand in hand with Seth.

"Enjoy your walk?" Jasper was waiting on the porch for us to return, his arms crossed and a hard look on his face.

"I did, thank you." I said courtly, dragging Seth behind me as I walked past my brother.

"Annabelle, you can't avoid me forever." Jasper sighed, easily keeping up with us.

"Has Carlisle found anything?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Not yet." Jasper sighed, "he hasn't left his office at all so I assume it's only a matter of time before he finds something out."

I sighed, nodding. Seth put his arm around my shoulders and we opted to stay in the living room, mindlessly watching TV.

It wasn't until Carlisle appeared from his office that everyone stopped what they were doing to wait in anticipation.

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