23: Endings

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**EDITED: 5/17/17**

I watched as Alice put her hand in Aro's both their eyes clouded over until finally Aro blinked, staring at Alice in disbelief. He released her hand and looked over to us, his eyes sweeping across the crowd, lingering on me and Renesmee for a moment before moving on. We all waited in anticipation as Aro's eyes swept across the group. I glanced towards my brother anxiously, as he was still held back by two other members and glanced back towards Aro, waiting for his verdict.

"Now you know," Alice said, malice in her voice. "That's your future. Unless you decide on another course."

"We cannot withhold our court, the child still poses a threat despite what Annabelle says." Caius hissed, stepping towards Aro.

"But what if we can assure that she would remain concealed from the human world?" Edward proposed. "Can we live in peace?"

"Of course, but that can not be known." Caius shot back as Alice stepped away.

"Actually it can, and by someone other than Annabelle." We all looked over at Edward, wondering what was going through his mind.

I glanced over when I heard footsteps and the sound of shells clacking together, watching as a man and women walked towards us. The two wore similar clothes as to the women from the Amazon coven, but the shells on their clothes and the different style told me they weren't from the same place. They seemed like another pair of vampires, except the man had a heartbeat similar to mine and Renesmee's. My eyes connected with the dark brown eyes of the man, and I smiled at the small spark of interest that seemed to flicker in his eyes. I watched as they stood next to Alice, standing tall.

"I've been searching for witnesses of my own, among the Takuna tribes of Brazil." Alice announced.

"We've had enough witnesses-" Caius started, only to be interrupted by Aro.

"Let them speak, brother."

"I am half human, half vampire." The man spoke, his words laced with an accent. "Like the child and the woman." My eyes widened slightly when I realized that the 'woman' he was talking about was me. "A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My Aunt Huilen," He gestured to the woman beside him, "raised me as her own." The woman looked over at her nephew, "I made her immortal." She glanced back at the Volturi.

"How old are you?" Bella asked, stepping forward, bringing Edward with her. The man and Huilen turned towards us.

"150 years." He said, I couldn't help but notice that he was around the same age I was. Bella and Edward sighed in relief, now knowing that they had a lot more time with Renesmee than they initially thought.

"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked.

"I became full grown at 7 years after my birth. I have not changed since then." He answered.

"And your diet?"

"Blood, human food, I can survive on either."

"These children," Marcus breathed, "are much like us."

"It's just as I tried to explain," I said, stepping forward and stood next to Bella. "There's no reason to fear us."

"Although it appears as the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves, our natural enemies!" Caius spat. I was surprised when Aro put his hand on Caius's shoulder, making him stop. He turned towards his group.

"Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight today," I grinned looking over my shoulder towards Seth, biting my lip to stifle a giggle when I noticed he was wagging his tail. I looked back, watching as the Volturi left one by one until Aro was the only one. "Such a prize," He whispered, his eyes dancing from Alice to Bella to me, before he disappeared into the forest.

"We have to get them on their own, now is the time to attack!" Vladimir shouted, stalking forward with Stefan behind him.

"Not today," Carlisle said simply. I smirked at their looks of disbelief and resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at them.

"You're all fools!" Stefan shouted. "The Volturi might be gone, but they will never forgive, nor forget what happened here."

"If you want your revenge so much then you can go ahead and attack." I crossed my arms, "And please let us know how that goes." I smirked at the stifled laughs from behind me and watched as Vladimir put his hand on Stefan's shoulders, and ran off. I turned and tackled my brother into a hug, laughing when he spun me around. When he put me down I glanced over, frowning when the wolves left, along with Jacob and Seth. I sighed and looked back at my brother, lightly punching his arm.

"Hey, what was that for?!" I rolled my eyes as his dramatic antics.

"For scaring me, stupid." I crossed my arms.

"So this is your sister you've been telling me about?" I turned, immediately met with the bare chest of the half-vampire man and looked up at his face, noticing how tall he was.

"Annabelle," I smiled and stuck out my hand for him to shake. "But you can call me Belle,"

"I'm Nahuel," He smiled, placing a light kiss on the back of my hand. I raised my eyebrows slightly at the gesture.

"Thank you for helping us," Jasper said, averting Nahuel's attention from me. "We are eternally thankful." He nodded and put his arm around me.

"It was my pleasure, Jasper." Nahuel smiled and we were soon joined by the rest of our family and we rejoiced in our victory.

"It was lovely to meet you, Char." I hugged Charlotte, sad that she and Peter were leaving, along with the rest of our witnesses. "Don't be a stranger."

"Oh, we won't." Charlotte laughed and I quickly hugged Peter goodbye and stood next to my brother. Peter and Char waved back at Alice before walking away. I glanced at Jasper, who was now looking lovingly at Alice and rolled my eyes.

"Come on," I pulled his hand and dragged him to where Alice was standing, now laughing at my antics. I watched with a smile on my face as Jasper pulled Alice into his arms, leaning down for a kiss when my sight went black. I laughed, putting my hands over the warm pair that now covered my eyes and turned around, smiling when I looked up at Seth.

"Hey," I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey," He grinned back, and kissed me softly. I smiled into the kiss, pulling away when I heard Jasper clear his throat. We looked over at him, and I blushed slightly under his amused gaze.

"You two are adorable," I rolled my eyes at him and leaned against Seth.

"And you'll make wonderful parents!" Alice exclaimed. My mouth dropped and I looked up at Seth, whose face seemed to have paled. "Relax, I'm only kidding." Alice giggled. I shook my head at her and rested my head against Seth's chest.

"Not funny, Alice." Seth mumbled, rubbing my back. I smiled softly when Alice laughed again, causing Jasper to laugh and looked towards where Renesmee, Bella and Edward were, Jacob standing with them.

We were all a family now, and it's going to stay that way no matter what.

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