29: Exploring

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**EDITED: 5/17/17**

The days blurred together. How could they not? In the morning I got ready for the day, which consisted of picking apples, eating breakfast with Mother, reading until lunch, preparing my own lunch since Mother goes out to gather more food from the nearest town, cleaning the cottage, greeting Mother when she gets home, helping as she prepares dinner, eating dinner with Mother, bathing, reading again, and then go to bed to start the cycle all over. As you can tell, my life is terribly boring and mundane. It could have been weeks or months since my amnesia had started, and I would never know.

The only thing that changed in my life now were the dreams that I had every night. It wasn't anything special, but it was the same scene every night but with different people. There were people with eyes that resembled my mother's golden bracelets and there were people with eyes that resembled blood. Either way, those people seemed like sculptures, beautiful but cold to the touch. Sometimes I would see a blonde man, his facial features similar to my own and made me think I was related to him somehow but I knew that it wasn't possible. He would have his arm around a small pixie-like girl and they were both frowning as their golden eyes pierced into my own. Sometimes I would see a a man with long, dark hair standing with a small blonde-girl, their faces set in a smirk as they stared at me with their blood red eyes. Those people always changed, except for one. There was one person who was always present in my dreams. He was tanned, with dark hair and eyes and had the kindest face I had ever seen, despite being isolated in the forest. His presence always made me calm, no matter who else was in my dreams. He never spoke nor would he respond if I talked to him, and I when I would walk towards him, something would block my path every time. It was like there was an invisible barrier separating us from speaking or touching. The dreams made my life seem less boring, and I found myself wishing I could meet these people, although they are probably a figment of my imagination.

Today though, Mother would be going out for the night. I'd have the cottage to myself.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" I refrained from rolling my eyes and smiled at my mother.

"For the thousandth time, yes. It's just one night."

"Alright, I'll be on my way then. I'll be home for breakfast tomorrow, alright?" She tied her sash around her waist and looked up at me. I didn't understand why my mother had to dress like she was in the medieval times, but she would never explain it to me when I asked. "I love you, Kimi. And remember to stay near the cottage."

"I love you too, Mother." I hugged her, hoping she wouldn't notice that I ignored her reminder to stay near the cottage. If all went well, I'd be able to explore the forest and be back before nightfall.

I waved my mother off and ran back to my room, slipping on my boots and coat. I waited a few minutes, busying myself with packing a basket with lunch, before walking out of the cottage. I kept my path simple, just walking in a straight line so all I have to do is turn around and walk the way I came. The sun was almost to the center of the sky, and I took that as my queue to eat lunch. I placed the basket down and leaned against a tree, unpacking the food.

I took a sip from the water bottle I brought and bit into my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I sat quietly, listening to the sound of the birds singing and the bugs buzzing about.

I was packing up the small basket when a twig snapped in the distance. The noise didn't startle me, instead peaking my interest. Usually the wildlife stayed away from the cottage, so I never had seen any animals since the amnesia. I left the basket on the floor, getting up to my feet, and walked slowly towards the noise. I was caught off guard when I saw a shimmering, curtain-like wall a few feet from me. The shimmering wall seemed to extend high above my head and but didn't blur whatever was on the other side. I cautiously approached it, extending my hand out. My hand easily went through the magical wall, causing ripples around it like a pond. I laughed lightly at the tingling feeling as my hand waved through the wall, only for my attention to divert when something caught my attention in the corner of my eye.

I gasped when a large wolf walked into my view, it's nose to the ground as if sniffing for something. The wolf stood around 10 feet with a lanky stature, its fur a light sandy color. I knelt on the ground and stared at the wolf in amazement. It's giant form didn't set off any alarms in my head, but instead sent a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest.

I reached out my hand again, feeling it tingle as it went through the magic wall. The wolf must have noticed my movement, because it's gaze snapped towards me so fast that it startled me. I retracted my hand. I watched, frozen in fear and awe, as the wolf took hesitant steps towards me, it's brown eyes fluttering across the forest.

Then I realize the wall must have kept me hidden from anything on the other side.

I hesitated before extending my hand out again. The wolf stopped and stared at my hand. I slowly leaned forward and let my hand brush against the side of the wolf's head, letting out a breath at how soft the fur once.

Suddenly, the wolf's teeth latched onto my coat, gentle yet firm, and yanked my arm towards it. I let out a scream as I fell forward, feeling my body go through the magic wall. My chest landed harshly on the ground and I quickly turned on my back, propping myself on my elbows as I stared fearfully at the wolf, expecting it to attack. I was surprised to see its tail wagging like a dog, its tongue hanging out making the wolf look like it was grinning.

Then it attacked. I squealed when it started liking me wildly, and jumping around like an excited puppy. I laughed and tried to push the wolf away.

"S-stop!" I yelled through my laughs. An unfamiliar feeling rushed through my body, making me feel powerful when the words tumbled from my mouth. The wolf did stop, freezing in its place as it stares at me. I stared back, confused as to what just happened.

I reached out my hand again, letting it brush against the soft fur. The wolf seemed to unfreeze and pushed its face into my chest, making me feel incredible small since its head was bigger than my torso. I panicked again when the wolf growled and pushed me away from where I knew the wall was and I squirmed against it. I rolled to the ground, glancing at the wolf who stared at me in confusion, and jumped to my feet and ran back the way I came. My body tingled as I ran through the wall, probably disappearing from the wolf's sight.

I stopped running when I heard the wolf whine, and turned to stare at it. The wolf started to run after me, but disappeared from my sight when I was sure it would have run through the wall after me.

I shook my head and continued running, not stopping until I was back at the cottage.

What just happened?

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