05 | beautiful stranger

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WAKING UP FROM a deep slumber, Singto saw himself tucked in his hospital bed

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WAKING UP FROM a deep slumber, Singto saw himself tucked in his hospital bed. No signs of Krist inside the room or even in the comfort room. Looking back and forth, realizing he blacked out again due to the headache he felt.

It's already morning, and he could see the sun rising from the glass window. He was about to get out of bed when he heard a sudden knock on the door. A woman in white clothing came in with her clipboard, holding it close to her chest. She sweetly smiled at her patient and immediately told him to get ready for further checkups today.

He was scheduled for surgery next week. If he'll be honest to himself, nervous is an understatement because he's feeling beyond that. If he was chill out hearing the news yesterday, then starting today might be a little different.

"How did I even reacted when I first found out about my condition? Brave enough to consult a doctor, Singto."

It seems like the confidence vanished from himself.

"You feeling bored already?" The doctor asked, glancing at his patient from time to time.

"A little,"

The doctor paused for a while and stared at Singto. "The nurse will escort you back to your room, or do you want to go somewhere else inside the premises?"

"I'll be at the garden then," Singto replied with a slight smile. "I want some fresh air before going back to my room, and I'll be meeting my friends later."

The doctor nodded before he resumed reading test results. It was the cue for Singto to leave the office. Escorting him back and forth isn't necessary, but his mother can be paranoid at times and decided to spend thousands just for his safety.

What his mother didn't understand is that he's not a baby anymore. So, what if he's dying? It's not like he lost his legs or hands for someone to accommodate him wherever he goes.

It's inevitable for humans to die anyway.

After persuading the nurse that he wanted to be alone for the time being, he found himself where he was standing yesterday. The whole city in front of him changed. The small percentage of nature surrounding the area broke his heart as a lover of nature. The tall buildings in different sizes, colors, and structures are the only thing he could see aside from the billboards with faces he couldn't name.

If he failed to persuade his dreams in photography, then he would be inside those tall buildings. Maybe working his ass off till midnight or fall asleep while reading a bunch of documents.

But what's the difference it would make when his lifeline is about to end? He couldn't even remember his passion for photography, the promises made with his friends, and the lover he once had.

"Lost in deep thoughts? What are you thinking at his hour of the day?" Someone asked, who suddenly appeared beside him.

Knowing his condition, he doesn't want to give in. He remembered what happened yesterday in the comfort room. As he stared into his blueberry eyes, it pained him. The fire burning inside his heart suffocates him till he blacked out.

If the man beside him was the lover his friends mentioned, then he's the reason why his heart mourns every day. He might not remember him and the moments they'd shared, but his heart yearns for him to believe that it's true.

The young man standing beside him was his lover- Krist Perawat Sangpotirat. The reason why he sleeps at night, crying. It hurts knowing that his lover saved him from the tragic accident- that's what they've been telling him aside from Krist's mother, who claimed that he lost his son because of Singto.

But what hurts the most? It's when he couldn't even remember Krist's face when he's still alive.

"You can't ignore me forever, you know?" He asked again as he leaned forward to the railings while staring at Singto.

I'm hundred and one percent sure that I can. Singto wanted to respond but stop himself before totally losing the sanity left in him.

He was about to leave the garden when he heard footsteps coming closer. The moment he glanced in Krist's direction, he already vanished into thin air and nowhere to be found. Then he saw his friends waving at him, but they weren't alone as two other gentlemen were trailing behind.

"How are you?" Gun asked as he stood where Krist was standing earlier.

"I'm still alive, as you can see," He replied calmly, eyes still glued to the new visitors.

"I hope you don't mind bringing these idiots with us. They wanted to see you, so we let them tagged along- they're both Krist's friends."

It was New who noticed the strange look Singto was giving. Gun and New almost forgot about their friend's post-traumatic amnesia.

"Tay here," Pointing his fingers to New's direction, he chuckled. "New's boyfriend, so stop with the weird looks. We already passed the bro code stage, you know, when I was still courting your friend."

"Don't make me remember that bro code stage!" New mumbled between his heavy breathing.

"It was your idea,"

"Don't mind the love birds," The other guy shook his head and rolled his eyes at the same time. "My name is Off, and as you can see, I'm the most handsome between me and my friend Tay. Do you agree with me?"


"Off's just blabbering, don't mind him. We're all gathered here today to talk random topics, not the obvious sensitive ones. So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Is food counted?" New asked innocently.

"Interesting, I guess?" Tay asked back with one eyebrow raised. "But I know you're just hungry, babe. There's no way that we'll be talking about foods as it will only make you hungrier."

Tay and New didn't stop arguing about food and other stuff nobody could relate to except them. Gun and Off were both busy thinking about a topic from galaxies to someone's love life. Singto just stood at one corner, one hand holding the railings while the other on his hip.

There's a fondness in his eyes while looking at his friends, doing nothing but to make him smile as they could.

"How about we talk about this guy named Krist?" Singto asked amidst the chaos.

It's like someone grabbed the remote control and pressed the pause button. All four of them stood frozen and no freaking idea what to do or how to react to Singto's suggestion.

"Are you sure?" Gun composed himself with pleading eyes, asking help about what to say next.

"Look, I know I was such a coward since the accident, and still I am. I've learned that it's better not to dwell so much about it, most especially with my condition right now. I'll just let my memories decide when to remember him and let my heart decide when to mourn again."

"That would be the last thing Krist wanted to ask of you,"

New nodded upon agreeing to what Tay said. "You're not moving on, just moving forward. The emotions built up within you cannot be dealt with right now, but you were given time to processed those emotions and gained an understanding that life goes on."

"You're right,"

There was a moment of silence between the five of them. The wind was getting colder while the clouds were already turning grey- it was about to rain. Singto weakly smiled to himself while looking up to the sky. He couldn't see any stars, and even the fascinating moon was hiding behind the dark clouds.

When droplets of rain started to fall, he knew that it's okay to be sad, to feel pain, and to cry as much as he wants.

"Always remember that whatever happened, our friend loved you till he couldn't breathe no more. You're the most precious person in his life, and no one could ever replace you." Off said before they decided to get inside.


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