14 | starry night

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IT'S BEEN MORE than twenty-four hours since the surgery

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IT'S BEEN MORE than twenty-four hours since the surgery. Singto's still sleeping like in Disney named Aurora, waiting for his Prince Charming to come, just like what the tale said. Singto's mother fell asleep on the sofa while Gun and New went home as visiting hours ended hours ago.

Tossing his head from side to side, Singto slowly opened his eyes and was immediately blinded by the light surrounding him. He tilted his head while looking straight at the wall clock. It's already midnight, and the only sound he could hear is the sound coming from the heart rate monitor.

Singto focused his attention on the white wall while memories flashed in his mind one by one. He cracked a smile, remembering the only face he saw throughout his dream. They were happy, so happy that Singto wanted to turn back time and just spend the rest of his life with all those moments with Krist. A tear streamed down his face as he retrieved his lost memories of their first meeting, first date, first kiss, and all the first time moments he experienced with the man who managed to tame his heart.

Singto broke down and let out all his emotions by crying. He wasn't able to recover all of his lost memories. But he finally understands the longingness of his heart every time Krist appeared whenever he felt alone in this lonely world- the Krist who happened to be the illusion made by his mind.

"Krist. . ." Singto called out almost inaudible due to the dryness of his mouth.

Placing his hands on his chest, Singto calmed himself down as the memories slowly fade away like a speck of dust. In a blink of an eye, he managed to gather his strength to sit down, facing the glass window.

A shooting star appeared right before his eyes. Singto is not a believer in so many things about superstitious beliefs, most especially wishing upon a star and reincarnation. Tonight, he'll disregard his views in life and just risk everything- he doesn't have anything to lose after all.

Clasping his hands near the chest, Singto closed his eyes. The shooting star lasts for seconds, and it gave him time to wish upon it. A wish that gave him hope to meet his lover in the next lifetime, but of course, Singto doesn't have the slightest idea if ever it'll come true.


Singto ended his wish with the sweetest smile before averting his gaze on his mother. Walking closer to her son, she cupped Singto's face and wiped his tears away. They stayed that way for a long time, doing nothing while embracing the coldness of the room.

"The sky," Singto broke the silence, hugging his mother tightly. "The sky is full of twinkling stars, and I wonder if any of them can fulfill my wish tonight?"

"I thought you don't believe in them?" She broke the hug and looked at her son with a confusing look.

"I don't,"

"What do you mean?" Singto's mother asked, pouring water on the glass and handed it to her son.

"I don't believe that wishes do come true by just wishing upon a star, but something in me wanted to believe in them. Those twinkling stars above sparked hope that someday, somewhere, my wish will come true."

"Singto," She hugged her again, lightly brushing Singto's head. "I want to let you know that I'm so sorry if you perceived me as a selfish mother due to my actions. I let my fear consumed me, unable to let you decide for your life, and Krist came to give you the life you ever wanted."


"I was blinded and wasn't able to see through your eyes that you were hurting inside. When Krist came, seeing you becoming the man you're today- I'm thankful that Krist showed you to the world of happiness."

"I forgive you," Singto whispered in her ears, smiling as he's been waiting for this day to come. "I forgive you because you're my mom, and you're the first person to introduced me to the world of happiness- even without your happiness, Dad."

Singto's mother nodded, wiping her tears away. "Why are we so dramatic at this hour of the day?"

"I don't know," Singto replied, laughing while embracing her mother one last time. "You tell me, why are we so dramatic at this hour of the day, Mom?"


LOOKING BACK AND forth towards the journal and the foods brought by Krist's friends, Singto tilted his head with sudden confusion. Everyone in the room fell silent, observing every move of their friend who gave them a questioning look in the face.

1. To sing a song with an audience ✔
2. To dance under the heavy rain
3. To read a book
4. To play with kids
5. To socialize with other people
6. To take a selfie with a digital camera
7. To wish upon a star
8. To eat foods under the hate list
9. To never lie
10. To love myself

"Thank you for bringing me macaroni salad and carbonara," Singto smiled, cracking an awkward smile. "Anyone told you that these are my favorite food or something?"

"No problem," Off replied, making a hand gesture according to what he said. "Gun told me that you love macaroni salad. So, I made them last night after my call with Auntie, informing me that you already woke up."

"I love macaroni salad?" Singto asked, pointing his finger to himself.

"I told you that, Off? When?" Gun asked, facing Off with a confusing look on his face.

"About the carbonara," Tay pointed his finger to New, who's silently eating beside him. "He told me that you could finish three bowls of carbonara. I thought to myself, why not make it for you?"

"I did?" New and Singto said in unison.

"You did," Tay nodded while winking at New, who immediately blushed.

Singto shook his head, not remembering any moments eating macaroni salad or carbonara- or maybe he did. Twirling the saucy carbonara with the fork he's holding, Singto gulped, not knowing either to eat or just leave the foods untouched.

But he doesn't want to hurt Tay and Off's feelings.

He almost facepalmed himself while munching the pasta and anticipating the disgusting taste at the same time. It didn't happen though, till he finished the entire container by himself.

"Not bad," Singto commented, opening the container of the macaroni salad.

"Really? Or is it just the effect of your amnesia?" Gun couldn't believe what he's witnessing right now as his forehead creased due to confusion.

"Or maybe his taste for food changed?" New replied in a questioning tone, finishing his container of carbonara.

"Why? You told me earlier that carbonara and macaroni salad are both my favorite food." Singto scooped a spoonful amount of macaroni salad and stared at it for a couple of seconds.

"Are you kidding me?" Gun raised one eyebrow while looking back and forth between Singto and New. "You hate carbonara and macaroni salad because you find them disgusting, Singto. Way back when we were students, you couldn't even stand their smell, and now, you just ate an entire container of them."

Singto stopped eating the macaroni salad with his big doe eyes. "But you just told me that I love them, or did I misheard it?"

Tay laughed awkwardly as he secretly slapped Off's hand. "Maybe Off mistook the macaroni salad from fruit salad?"

"And Tay mistook the spaghetti from carbonara?" Off was obviously bewildered in his place, sending death glares to Tay.

They both didn't notice the death glares coming from New and Gun while Singto resumed eating his macaroni salad. Singto didn't mind how chaotic his friends were in front of him.

What matters to him is the delicious food.

"How can both of you be mistaken when they're completely different from each other? Lame excuses, do you know that?" New asked in a whispering tone.


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