19 | defining success

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Krist shouted upon entering the orphanage, startling everyone inside the premises. Waving his hand to a three-year-old kid, Krist almost forgot that Singto's with him, holding the presents they bought for all the kids.

The mother of Fiat abandoned him after birth in front of the well-known orphanage in town. Lucky for the kid that the Mother Superior of the orphanage found him immediately, or else, the kid would have died. Teen pregnancy, abortion, and child abandonment aren't new to the community. As a movement by the concerned citizens, they arrange programs to educate young people about the consequences of such an act.

"How are you, my little angel?" Krist asked the little kid, stroking Fiat's hair.

"Fiat, good . . . because favorite person here." The little kid replied, hardly coming up with a sentence.

"I'm glad to know that, Fiat."

And Krist gave that nickname to the little Pattadon. He wants the kid to feel at home and that someone other than the Nuns loves him as much as the kid should love himself.

"They look like father and son, don't you think?"

Singto blinked a couple of times, a little bit startled by the Mother Superior, appearing out of nowhere. He awkwardly smiled while nodding because what was said is true- Krist and Fiat really look like father and son.

"That's why Krist badly wants to adopt the kid," Singto replied, still staring at how Krist got easily fascinated by Fiat's cuteness.

"Don't pressure yourself, Singto. A perfect time will come for that, and trust is what all you need right now."

"Do you believe that I'll learn to love the idea of kids one day? Looking at them, I don't really think so. They are too much to handle, and I'm not on good terms with my patience."

"I believe that you will,"

"You always believe in me," Singto shook his head, admiring the sight in front of him. "But I do hope that when the right time comes along, it won't be too late. Krist deserves to be happy, and sometimes I'm taking that happiness away from him, Sr. Neen."

"Don't say that because you're his happiness. If you don't want to adopt kids right now, it doesn't mean that you're taking away what makes him happy. Just like what I'd told you, a perfect time would come- trust in the process."

Singto nodded before the Mother Superior bid her goodbye to attend an emergency meeting. He badly wants to believe the perfect time that Mother Superior told him, but Singto doubts if he'll be able to hold onto something impossible.

What if he doesn't learn to love the idea of having kids?

What if he will grow not wanting them more?

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