08 | still dreaming

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"SINGTO," KRIST CALLED, knocking on their bedroom door several times

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"SINGTO," KRIST CALLED, knocking on their bedroom door several times. "Can we talk? I know that I was out of line earlier, okay? But I just want to make you realized that there's nothing to be afraid of about the thunderstorms, the lightning, or the rain."

"You don't understand, and please go away before I would snapped at you. Let me sulk for a day,"

"You know that I won't let you,"

"Then you have to stand there till morning,"

"I have a spare key,"

"Damn it," Singto muttered under his heavy breathing. "Why do you keep on knocking? Just open the damn door, but I'm not talking to you."

Singto heard the audible click of the lock, and he knew there's no escape from talking. Krist can be stubborn at times, but today he's beyond stubborn for Singto. He doesn't know what to do or what to say, and Singto knew he's been acting childish since morning. He's thankful that Krist stayed, even though the man told him he needed to be somewhere.

Singto covered himself with a thick blanket upon hearing the footsteps coming closer to the bed. After several minutes of anticipation, the room grew quieter, and it scared the hell out of him.

Did he just leave without a word? He asked in his mind, wondering why Krist wasn't stubborn at all.

There are times when Singto doesn't understand himself. He wanted to be alone, but whenever people leave, he wanted someone next to him. It's complicated, or let's just say that he's paranoid. The lovers had been running away from their family, most especially Krist's family. They're all homophobic who wanted their child to realized his sin and wanted Singto gone from Krist's life.

The only supporter they've got is Singto's mother, and of course, their friends.

Few more minutes passed by, and Singto began to feel uneasy. With a determined look, he decided to peek under the covers and unexpectedly meet the eyes of his lover. Krist smiled at how adorable a sulking lion can be- lucky for him that the lion is his long-time boyfriend.

"What are you smiling at?" Singto asked, half annoyed and half relieved that his lover stayed.

"Your cuteness overload," Krist replied, lying down next to his lover.

Singto rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled. "Shut up, or I'll kiss till you drop. Do you want that?"

"I want that, but you and I need to sort things out. I don't want to leave you still sulking about what happened downstairs, okay?"

"Right," Singto covered himself again with a blanket but motioned to Krist to continue.

"We've been quarreling every rainy season about this topic. I just want you to know that there are things we need to embrace outside our comfort zone. If you're scared, how much more those who don't have shelter in this weather?"

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