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We arrived at the company and prepared the files for the meetings.

"Good morning, gentlemen!" said Blake when they entered the room.

"Morning, Blake! Who is your beautiful partener?" said an tall arrogant man.

"She's Bella Smith, my assistant, Parker. And she's off limits."

"Why? Do you keep what's best for you? You know we could always share." said Parker winking at Blake.

I saw how Blake changed his face, his brown eyes becoming even darker, I saw how he squeezed his fingers in a fist position and he looked at Parker like he wanted to kill him.

I went towards him and whispered in his ear:

"Hey, everything it's fine. I'm ok, let's just ignore him."

He took my hand and squeezed it softly.

"C'mon let's get this over with.", I said.

4 hours later

I was absolutely exhausted after the two meetings and after Blake's face, I can say that about him too. My eyes were closing and I had a terrible headache, feeling hot and cold at the same time. Oh f*ck, I am getting sick. I was at the hotel when I started to feel dizzy so I told Blake to go to lunch alone because I wanted to get some sleep.

"Are you sure you're ok? You're a little pale." said Blake after he looked at me from head to toe.

"I'm fine, I swear. Go eat and I'll see you after."

He kissed my forehead again and said:

"Ok, please take care of you Bella."

"I will. Don't miss me to much." I joked and winked at him.

"I can't promise you that, sweetheart." he winked back at me and then he left.

20 minutes later, while I was sleeping, I felt my stomach turn, so I ran at full speed to the bathroom, where I puked my guts out for 5 minutes.

"F*ck Bella, are you ok?" I heard Blake asking from the bedroom.

"I'm fine." I said opening the bathroom door.

"Fine my ass." he said after he put his hand on my forehead. "You're burning. Let's get you to bed." He said, leading me to the bed, where he wrapped me in  carefully.

"I'm gonna get you a hot tea and some crackers."

"Oh no way, I don't think I can keep them down." I growled when I felt my whole body shaking.

"Can you please hold me before I fall asleep again?" I asked him with my eyes  already closed.

"Of course I can Bells." he said coming in and cuddling me.

"I'm gonna call a doctor."

"There's no need. I'm fine." I said still shaking.

"That wasn't a question darling." he said kissing my hot cheek.

"Yes Mr. Taylor it's just a cold. She'll be completely healthy in 2 days or so."

"Thank you, doctor!"

"No problem, don't forget to give her the meds. Take care!"

"You too!"

That was what I heard before i woke up completely.

"Hi there, sleepy face." said Blake coming in bed again.

"Was that the doctor? What did he said?"

"That you'll be fine in just a few days.

"C'mon you need to eat now so you can take your meds."

"I can't eat. I'm still nauseous." I said looking at him pleadingly.

"No way missy. C'mon open up, or I'll have to force you."

He gave me some hot chicken soup which was actually really tasty. After eating and taking my medication we decided to watch a movie. I wanted to watch Harry Potter and I'm sick so, I won.

In the middle of the movie I started to feel weird again and I already knew what was going to happen.

"Blake I think I'm gonna throw up." He moved so fast but not fast enough so I freaking threw up all over the floor and on myself.

"F*ck." I growled.

"Hey that's ok. I'm gonna get you a new shirt and I'm gonna clean up in just a bit." said Blake.

I was so damn shocked. The Blake I used to know wouldn't have done that for me.He gave me his shirt, he helped me to the bathroom, he cleaned the floor and we resumed our movie. I fell asleep shortly after, with my head on his chest, while he lovingly stroked my hair.

Ok guys sorry for the short chapter but I'm a little busy these days. I just wanted you to see Blake's transformation.

Keep reading and be ready because the wedding is coming slowly but surelyyyy.

Love you guys and thank you for being here.❤

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