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I woke up with smooth kisses all over my face and neck, and some big hands who weren't in the right place.

"How can you wake up horny?" I asked the possessor of the hands.

"It's not my fault my wife is smart, funny, beautiful and hot. So very hot." Blake said and I could feel his stupid smirk in my neck.

"I'm on my period, mister. Sorry not sorry." Right when I finished saying that, a cramp hit me full speed and I groaned. My period is really really bad. And Blake will experience it for the first time since we're married because I've always had irregular and messed up cycle.

"Bells, are you okay?" My cute husband asked worriedly.

"Look, I know it's your first time with this but you need to know that for the next three days or four it's gonna be hell. So if you want out, you should sleep in your office. But if you stay, don't say I didn't warned you."

"In sickness and in health, remember? But can't you go to a doctor for some meds or something?"

"I did. Since I was fucking 14. They work for three months and then it's all the same. Remember when our families were on a holiday together in Greece and I couldn't be at the restaurant for dinner? Oh yes, when you said, and I quote: 'Is the little princess too smug to be seen with her family at the table?'" Guys when I tell you that Blake's face palled. . . Now I feel bad. Should I feel bad? I mean he said that when we were 17, that was a long time ago.

"Baby I'm sorry for being an asshole but I was just a stupid and in love teenager."

"Lucky for you babe, I love assholes." I said and winked at him.

"And I love you, my little unstable woman."

"Hey! This little unstable woman will bring your children into the world, so shut up."

"I was just joking love. You should take a few days off then baby. I don't want you to be even sicker  because of your job." My loving Blake said and he kissed my already sweaty forehead.

"I'll be fine honey, don't worry."

"When you said that you're fine you're always bad babe."

"Look, I promise that if I feel bad, I'll be home and in bed all day. How does that sound?"

"You're so damn stubborn." Blake groaned.

"You know it and you love it!" I shouted while I was going to take a shower.

"I absolutely do!" I heard him when I clossed the bathroom's door.

 I'll always thank God for this man.


I'm not fine.

Not at all.

I just threw up my lunch. Well, at least the pain is tolerable.

"Wow girl I'm the pregnant one here and even I don't look that bad. Are you okay?" Ava asked as she entered the bathroom and I just stared at her, unable to open my mouth without gagging.

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