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I woke up with a bunched-up blanket smothering the lower half of my face and neck. Flipping it off, I realized I had fallen asleep flat out on the floor. I didn't even remember feeling tired, and suddenly I had blacked out. The last thing I recalled, nonetheless, was my little meeting with Hunter...

I lifted my upper body, stretched my arms above my head, and then bent side to side and over my legs. Wrapping the small blanket around my biceps, I rose to my feet and passed by a snoozing Omega, who also had a blanket draped over her. Just as I was kneeling down to readjust it, I heard a loud whisper behind me, "Don't wake her." My mouth dropped into a frown as I stopped mid-reach and turned on my heels.

"Wasn't going to, Hunter." I snapped back quietly.

"You weren't asleep very long."

"Are you trying to make a point?" Jeez, lay off, Hunter... I scowled as I turned my head to the side. Ever since Kamino, he had been nonstop-instigating me with every word that came out of his mouth. What does he want from me?

"We are exiting hyperspace and approaching Saleucami." Tech informed us from the cockpit. As if on cue, the ship jerked out of hyperspace just enough to shake Omega and Wrecker awake. Yawning, the former stretched her arms up and proceeded to pop her spine. Leaning up against blocky metal droid most likely didn't feel good, but there wasn't anywhere else to sleep. Heck, Echo had woken up from sitting upright in a chair.

Descending down onto the surface, everyone was strapping up their armor and weapons (just in case) and that's when it occurred to me that most my belongings were left on Kamino...What I had that was mine (and wasn't attached to me) was the vibro-knife Hunter had returned to me, but I didn't even have its sheath. As I huffed at the disappointment in myself, Echo silently handed me a small blaster. I exchanged a grateful nod and strapped it to my belt. It was better than nothing. I never wore the thick armor the Bad Batch displayed because it hindered my enhanced skills, but luckily I hadn't removed my two gauntlets, which were equipped with all sorts of gadgets I can use in tough situations. My supply was limited, so I had to use then sparingly.

The main door lowered open, and each clone filed down the ramp one by one. I was the last one in line, with Omega in front of me. The moment the warm, beaming sun hit her face, she shielded her eyes and squinted until they adjusted. An awed smile spread across her lips. I gathered this was her first time seeing and filling a sun's rays on her skin. First time setting her feet on solid ground instead of a facilitated base on a water planet. Her first time anywhere outside of Kamino. She was now getting her first glimpse of just one of thousands of planets in the galaxy, something I and the rest of the clone force had taken for granted.

And frankly, I didn't care.

"Move it along, Half-Pint." I nudged her with my knee after she had knelt in the dirt.

"This is amazing..." she exclaimed, ignoring my comment. She jumped to her feet and started kicking up dust clouds and hopping around excitedly until she stood among the Bewildered Batch. Hunter's eyes travelled from the kid to me, and his grin wavered.

"So, is this where we part ways?"

Something about the deep tone in his smoky voice when he questioned me...struck a cord.

Play it cool...Don't let him see he's gotten to you.

I crossed my arms. "Am I not welcomed to at least say hello to them?"

"I suppose so." Hunter seemed slightly taken back with my retort, and he turned on his heel with an awkward nod and began leading the squad down a dirt path. I followed in the back.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now