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"Hunter!" Fern burst through the door. "Tech's gone mad!"

Ding. Hunter got a read from his comm. "You did what?!" he snapped, and both he and Fern sprinted outside to see an Imperial impounder carrying off the Marauder. His eyes narrowed as he growled into the device"TECHH!!"

"This was the best solution." Tech simply stated.

"Getting our ship impounded is not what I call a solution!" Hunter begged the differ.

"Not to worry, Echo and I have it all under control." the intellectual clone ensured. "We will meet at the space station with chain codes in hand."

"Hey, Wired-Brain!" Fern snatched the comm from the sergeant. "You might want to double-check your cargo!"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tech inquired.

"She means," Hunter claimed the device back. "Omega's still on the ship!"


Fern and Hunter then heard the young girl in the background exclaim, "I think it's a great plan, Tick."

"Omega, you are to do exactly what Tech and Echo tell you to do. Is that understood?" Hunter instructed.

"Yes, sir." she complied, unable to hide the slight disappointment in her voice.

"Tech, the rest of us will meet you at the space station." The sergeant grudgingly approved the plan. "Get those chain codes and have the ship ready." Comms were shut off. Cut and Suu were informed to begin gathering their belongings, and the children were sent to their rooms to pack their bags with what they can carry. While Wrecker assisted the deserter with the biggest trunk, Hunter and Fern silently settled down in the main dining area. Alone.

Awkwardness suffocated the tensed atmosphere as both clones attempted to make eye contact. It was evident both had something to say to the other, but were reluctant to indulge due to their habit of reverting to arguing rather than discussing cordially. Eventually, they summoned up their nerves and broke the silence.

"I wanted to—" they stuttered in unison. Hunter gestured to her. "You first."

The female clone hesitated, wringing her hands together in her lap like a cadet who's been sent to face her supervisor for a wrongdoing. "What did you mean earlier? Were you serious...that you never said you didn't want me on the squad?"

I have a feeling, she thought to herself. I'm not going to like the answer...

"Fern," Hunter adjusted himself in his seat, leaning his upper body over the table. "I'm telling you the truth when I say all those years ago, when Clone Force 99 was first formed...when Nala Se and Lama Su arranged all of us minus you into this squad, I wanted you to part of it."

"Then why did you say you didn't want me?" Fern muttered, her frown deepened in confusion.

"I'm telling you, I never said that." Hunter insisted. "It was you who decided you didn't want to be part of the squad. After Hoth."

"That's not true!" Fern's voice cracked. She then sighed to recover. Her shoulders slumped as her dark eyes hovered to the window on her left. The warm-orange rays of the sun streaming in relaxed her nerves and encouraged her to deeply exhale and continue with a softer tone. "We were partners, Hunter. We worked so well together and always had each other's backs. We could talk about everything and anything. Why would I throw all that away just because of one failed mission?"

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