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When Fern and Crosshair finally rejoined the rest of the clones, Hunter in particular was there waiting for them, anxiously. His eyes asked Fern, How did it go? 

Fern responded with her own, Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Meanwhile, Wrecker lifted a tall medical capsule vertically in place in the wall, in which Echo proceeded to scan its integrity. "These medical capsules could be our way out of here."

"I agree," Tech nodded, typing in a calculation into his datapad. "If our mass is evenly distributed, the buoyancy of these watertight chambers will bring us to the surface."

"Medical capsules have not been tested for such capabilities." AZI objected monotonously.

"We won't have any control, either." Fern tucked a loose strand of wet hair behind her ear. "How will we steer around the debris that's out there?"

"The droid." Crosshair chimed in. Everyone's attention turned towards him with perplexed reactions, wondering what the clone could apply to the inducing plan. "He can do it. He can guide the capsules through the water with us in them."

"Can you do that, AZI?" Hunter asked the droid directly.

"Barring any extraneous complications, I should be able to complete the task." he confirmed.

"Won't it be dangerous?" Omega asked, worried for her floating companion.

"There's nothing to worry about." Fern smoothed out her damp hair. "AZI knows his purpose, and he will see it through."

"Alright, let's do this." Hunter initiated. Fern and Omega started setting up their last charges across the broad glass wall while the boys gathered and positioned four capsules against the wall. Wrecker squeezed into his, whining on how tight the fit was. "Quit complaining. At least you're not doubled up." Echo snapped, while Tech, who was his capsule partner, gave the cyborg clone a side-eyed glance.

Once the two female clones were finished, they hopped into their capsule. "Charges are set." they reported.

"Alright, seal them up." the sergeant ordered, locking himself in with Crosshair. Everyone followed suit. AZI double-checked all capsules and signaled a thumbs-up in satisfaction. Finally, Hunter gazed over at Fern, and nodded for go. 

"You ready for this, Half-Pint?" the latter smirked half-heartedly.

"Ready as I'll ever be." the young girl's teeth chattered nervously.

"Here. We. Go." Fern squeezed her eyes shut as she pounded her thumb into the ignitor. The charges shattered the viewport, and seawater burst through within seconds, sweeping up everything that wasn't bolted to the lab's interior structure. Her and Omega's capsule was knocked into Echo and Tech's, the clank rang within the hollow, glass tube. She caught a blurry glimpse of AZI adjusting to the sudden chaos, catching each capsule and pushing it out of the submerged compartment. The elongated tubes flipped and whirled out of control. The water was so murky and dark, the ominous silhouettes of debris descending were only visible once they were almost too close. But AZI performed his duty well, zipping ahead to shove the giant, metal remnants out of the upward path. Furthermore, everyone's comms fortunately were still linked. "Anyone else enjoying the ride?" she quipped. 

No one replied besides Wrecker, who complained, "I can't see anything."

"That is a good thing." Tech stated.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now