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"So you and Cid know each other?" Hunter raised a brow, sitting down next to me. We were on our way to rescue a child named Muchi from Zygerrian slavers, and I suppose we did had to kill time, somehow... "Why didn't you share that before?"

"You witnessed why." I rolled my eyes. "It's been about two years since I last saw her, but she hasn't changed a bit. Classy as ever." 

"And...the 'Princess' thing—"

"Drop it."

"Okay." Hunter surrendered. We both turned our attention to Wrecker, who was moaning and gripping the side of his bald head. "You alright?" 

"Yeah, yeah, it's nothing." Wrecker waved it off before rising to his feet.

Clearly, it was something. I thought. But, we really aren't in a position to examine him at the moment. That being said, I can't deny I'm getting this bed feeling in my gut...

"According to Cid's intel, the Zygerrian slave traders are stationed in an old Ord Mantell city." Tech debriefed everyone. Omega, playing with a clone trooper doll Hunter had found on Pantora (There's a story on how he tracked Omega down using it), spun around in her seat. "What's a slave trader?" she asked curiously.

"Someone who buys and sells people for credits." the spectacled clone defined. 

Omega was taken back. "People can be sold?..."

"They don't have a choice." Echo explained, standing next to Tech. "They're captives treated like property."

"That...doesn't seem right." the young girl said.

"It's not." Echo's voice lowered, indicating he had a strong opinion on the topic. "And we are going to stop it from happening to that kid."

"As well as earn a decent amount of credits once the job is complete." Tech added.

"Yeah...that, too." Echo rolled his eyes and walked off. I leaned over and punched Tech in the arm out of his inconsideration; though, Wired-Brain has never shown any sign of compassion toward others besides his squad, but even then it's rare. It's all technicality and business in that "exceptional" mind of his.

I assisted land the ship on the outskirts of the runed city. Then, the six of us disembarked and lowered ourselves at the foot of a cliff. Half of the party had binoculars, examining the rough terrain and situation.

"I have a visual." Tech announced. "I only see one child."

"Poor Muchi." Omega commented while looking through her specs. "She looks scared."

"I'm clocking two dozen hostiles. Multiple entry points with minor fortification."

"Simple smash and grab like that time on Kuat?" Wrecker suggested. Going to need to hear that story later, I noted to myself.

"I'm in." the young girl exclaimed, rising to her feet. "What are we waiting for?" She was very eager to participate in the rescue mission, but Hunter and I stopped her before she could follow the rest of the squad.

"Woah, there, Half-Pint." I gripped her shoulder.

"You get back to the ship." he instructed.


"That's an order." The sergeant cut her off and pulled me along to join the others. 

I ruffled her hair and winked. "Make sure no one steals our ship, you hear, or we'll kick you off the squad."

"Yes, sir." Omega sighed, not that enthusiastic about my joke, and wandered back to the Marauder.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now