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I have to get new clothes as soon as possible. I made a mental note as I brushed my fingers over my bandaged chest. My undershirt and grey tunic had been scorched when I was injured. All that covered my torso were the bandages and a shawl one would usually wear in wintery scenarios.

What a rush... I scoffed to myself as I combed out my long, raven hair with my fingers. My chest ached, but at least I could breathe and walk around. Nonetheless, my left side burned when my arm reached back to braid my hair, so I just decided to leave it loose. Perhaps I could ask Omega to help once she, Echo, and Wrecker return. Or maybe if Tech gets back first, I could amuse myself by seeking Tech's assistance, and then sit back as he attempts to construct the perfect singular braid.

"Need help?"

My head rotated towards the low voice and found Hunter, dressed in his civilian disguise, slowly approaching me. I shrugged, unable to suppress my smile. "Do you remember how?"

"Turn around."

I obeyed, shifting myself on the cot where Hunter could seat himself behind me. His bare hands submerged themselves into my thick locks, gently detangled and smoothed them out, and finally divided them into three even sections. While he leisurely braided my hair, I breathed, "Did you go somewhere?" I was referring to his attire.

"Yeah, I figured I get you some new clothes since yours were...singed." he hummed as he tied off the single braid. "Done. Here, turn towards me and I'll put on your headband."

I swiveled in my spot. Our faces were...maybe six inches apart? Hunter slipped the circular piece of light-grey fabric over my head, pulled the braid through, and fixated it where I liked it. He even loosened some of my baby hairs to frame my face. All while, I stared at him. That stubble along his jawline was becoming more prominent. His eyes gave me the telltale he hadn't slept.

"Hunter," I figured this was a better time than any. "I'm sorry I worried you. You don't have to anymore, because Tech fixed me right up." That still didn't seem to convince the sergeant. Once he was finished with my hair, his warm hands lowered down until they gently cupped the sides of my neck. "Hunter?..."

"I know it wasn't your fault." he sighed heavily. "But, you have to be more careful. If we'd had lost you, I'm not sure how I could've told Omega..."

"I understand." I exhaled an airy sigh, then scoffed playfully. "You're not going to ground me from missions like Omega, right? Do I have to beat you at Dejarik, as well?"

"Fern, I'm serious." His hold slightly tightened and when he sighed, his face leaned closer to me. Now, our noses were a mere three inches apart. The Marauder was so quiet, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I was unsure, but it seemed like it was growing louder and pumping faster in my chest the longer we deliberated... "I just got you back, and I can't lose you again. Not a second time."

"Hunter," I dropped my comical act and covered his hands with mine. "That wasn't either of our faults. The Kaminoans lied to us, for whatever reason they saw fit. You can't blame yourself for that—If you do, t-then I have to, as well. I used to resent you for what I thought you did to me. I ignored the others just because they were associated with you. I acted just like one of the regs, who saw Clone Force 99 as nothing but rejects... But..."


"It was me who really felt like a reject." I confessed. My vision shimmered. "At least, you had Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and eventually Echo. I, on the other hand, was, on my own. Being an enhanced clone, I didn't fit in with the regs. And because of what Lama Su told me, well, then I really was alone... Oh, wow," I scoffed softly, blinking away the built-up tears. When I glanced up at him, my cheek smushed against his palm (when did it appear there?) and I held it closer. "Do you hear me? Pitiful, right?"

Hunter replied not with words, but with a hum and a single, subtle stroke across my cheekbone.

"I guess, what I'm trying to say is," I said after clearing my throat. "I've waited so long to be part of something, so you're not going to lose me. We're soldiers, so an incident like this, is just an occupational hazard. When Bane shot you on Bracca, I was where you are now: afraid I might've lost you, so I get it. But you know,"

My eyes abruptly averted downward, realizing my next words were forming at a very untimely moment. Instead, I recovered and cracked a half-smile. "I'm going to hug you now. As an apology for making you worry." 

My hands dropped away from his, slipped under his arms, and wrapped around his broad shoulder blades. My cheek pressed against his collarbone. My eyes viscerally fluttered close. This embrace felt so much different than the one I had given him on Bracca after Rex departed— I was actually touching Hunter's skin, not his thick armor. My arms and cheek absorbed his body heat, warming me to my core. It took him a moment, but gradually Hunter relaxed in my embrace and carefully placed his arms around me.

Forever seemed to passed when I finally released the hug, and we exchanged satisfied grins. We both knew we were okay, and that's all that matter. Nevertheless, my heart was rapidly beating in my chest...

No, I denied as Hunter patted my shoulders in reassurance. This feeling is not what you think it is. We as clones are not even capable of that... Are we? The question of affection lingered in my mind as I forced a quipping smirk. "So, you have clothes for me? I'd like to get out of this mess. Unless, you think it's a good look?"

The sergeant's face burned red and I bit my tongue to suppress my laughter. He rose to his feet, briefly left the main cabin, and then returned with a thin stack of fabric. After handing it to me, he proceeded to leave the ship so I would have some privacy. I shook my head in amusement and then laid out my new attire.

"Oh, Hunter." I rolled my eyes. "Could you be any more obvious?" 

I undressed, tossed my old clothes aside to be discarded, and carefully slipped on the maroon, skin-tight bodysuit that zipped up in the back and secured the dark-grey tunic that had a layered, swooping neckline. Pulling on my old, black, combat boots, I completed the look, matching the color scheme of the Bad Batch. One could not even tell I was bandaged underneath. I locked on my trusty gauntlets and decided to disembark the ship to let Hunter know I was finished.

"Tech, you're back." I smiled upon my descension of the steps. He and Hunter, who seemed to be conversing just outside the ramp, turned their attention to me.

"Oh, Fern," the intellectual clone adjusted his goggles, then blinked. Twice. "Your new attire suits you well."

"Yeah, Hunter has good taste." I scrunched up my nose teasingly.

"Yeah, yeah." The sergeant waved it off.

"Fern!" Omega called my name, and then gasped. "You look like a Bad Batcher!"

"Looks good!" Wrecker agreed with a hearty laugh. He was carrying a load of food over his shoulder. "Here, catch!" He tossed me a Meiloorun mango.

"Aww, Wrecker, that's sweet of you." I emphasized my pun that made the big guy blush.

"Now that we are all present." Tech cleared his throat. "Cid has assigned us our next mission. We are to deliver armory and weapons to a client from Ryloth. The exchange is to occur on one of its moons."

"Alright, let's head out." Hunter nodded, and everyone began loading onto the Marauder. I shook my head as I stepped back instead of forward. "I'm sitting out."

"Why?" Wrecker questioned. "It's not like we are going into the field."

"I'm going to talk to Cid." I simply said.

"Are you sure?" Hunter double-checked. I nodded and watched the clones board and the ship ascend until they were out of sight. Sighing through my nose, I pivoted on my heel and headed for Cid's parlor to speak with my old friend about a sensitive topic.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now