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Wrecker and I finished loading the last of the shipment crates onto the Marauder with no interference from the Empire or the patrol. Meanwhile, inside the main cabin, Omega had perched herself on top of our Gonk droid with her legs crossed and her hands buried in her lap. The three of us were still on Nevarro, working proficiently so that we could travel to our next destination of delivery, and then pick up Fern, Tech, and Echo on Iego.

While Wrecker received the coordinates for the delivery, I boarded the ship to prep for departure. At the corner of my eye, I noticed Omega was attempting to braid her cropped blonde hair like Fern does, and I shook my head, amused. "Your hair's too short." I told her as I veered away from the cockpit . "You'll have to grow it out if you want to braid it."

"I know," the young girl sighed, dropping her arms in disappointment. "Fern's braid always looks so pretty; she makes it look perfect every time."

"That wasn't always the case." I chuckled to myself. "Back when she and I were partners, she couldn't braid her own hair to save her life. So, I had to do it."

"Fern taught you, too?"

"No," I shrugged, parking myself beside her. Sitting tall upon our droid, her eyes were leveled with mine. "Part of being a soldier is knowing how to produce your own supplies, including rope, which you have to braid in order to make it thick and strong. You can use the same technique on hair."

"Oooh," Omega nodded, and then she changed the subject. "Do you think she, Tech, and Echo are okay? Tech did say that the Empire was present there, even though it's low security. And Fern is still injured..."

"Those three can handle themselves." I assured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Especially, Fern. She's been on her own for years. She can accomplish anything she puts her mind to. You know that."

"Yeah," She bobbed her head again, but her head still hung low. "Aren't you just a tad worried about her, though?"

I sighed in surrender. "Yeah, kid, I'm a little worried, but I have full faith in Fern because—"

"Because you like her?"

I blinked. Twice. So did Omega. "Well, don't you?" She tilted her head. Her eyes shone with innocent curiosity.

"Are you asking? Or clarifying?" I questioned, leaning against the droid with my arms crossed. My elbow gently pressed into her kneecap. The young clone pondered for a moment, her chin dipped slightly. As I watched her, I wondered myself what Fern meant to me...

"I've been thinking lately," she finally spoke. "Our squad...is like a family." She perked up with credence. "Echo is like a overly-protective, big brother. Tech and Wrecker are my weird, but fun uncles. And you and Fern are my parents." Before I could interject to that presumption, she carried on. "Fern told me all about parents. What they are and their purpose in life. I know you two aren't actual parents...but the way she described them to me... That's how I see you and her. I know you all care for me in different ways, but when I see you and Fern together, I have always thought there was something...special?" She slurred the last word, like she was unsure it was the right one. She then shrugged casually. "Anywho, Fern said, 'Parents love their children with all their hearts. No matter what, you could always count on your mother and father to come to your aid and hold you tightly in their arms when you're scared.' I've noticed...that's exactly what you and Fern do for me."

At some point, I had rotated my body towards her while she digressed. I stood there, stunned and silent.

"...H-hunter?" the young clone blinked when she finally realized I was staring, and averted her eyes nervously, as if she was afraid she had said something wrong.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt