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The missions Cid sent us on were getting out of hand, to the point I had to sit our latest out. The boys plus Omega were dispatched to a planet where they needed to acquire a stolen reptilian creature for a client. My headaches had been getting worse, but I was better at hiding them than Wrecker, whose has become more frequent.

When Hunter asked me why I decided to sit a mission out, I shrugged and nodded over to the boss. "It's time Cid and I caught up after not seeing each other for two years. It's just retrieving a lizard from a bunch of thugs. You can handle that without me, right?"

"Uh-huh." Hunter's eyes narrowed in suspicion, but didn't press on the matter. Lucky for me, too, because I despised it when he would switch into lie detector mode. I did notice his glance slightly upward, as if he was looking at something above my head briefly. Or at my head...

While they were gone, Cid and I did converse about what the other had been up to before the Republic fell. When the Jedi were still around, I was the one they'd usually ordered to gather intel from brokers like Cid, who spilled to the highest bidder. She never chose a side either. She still hasn't, it seems. At some point, the Jedi transferred me to reconnaissance, and that is where I served my real purpose for the remainder of the war. I began recounting Cid some of the solo missions I completed, but she was clearly not interested.

"Tell me about before you met me." Cid raised a brow. "From what I remember, you loathed Dark and Broody with every fiber of your existence, and yet I see you again after Hell breaks loose, and not only have you reconcile with the guy, but you joined his squad. Eck!" She tossed up her arms dramatically. "What I want to know what was it like before you started hating on him and the other boys? Come on, spill the spotchka. But not too much! Just tell me what's important."

"Yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes. "There isn't much to say in that case. Hunter and I were a good team. A great team, actually. Never failed a mission except one..." As I was talking, I suddenly noticed in my peripheral vision a cloaked masculine figure entering the parlor. I couldn't see his face since his head hung low; his shoulders hunched as he silently drifted to the tables against the far wall across where Cid and I sat at the bar.

"Hey!" The Trandoshan snapped her fingers underneath my nose. "Focus, Princess! So what about this failed mission? What happened that was so bad that you had to dump him?"

"Why do you keep phrasing it that way?" I questioned, my mouth twisted in one direction.

"Like what?"

"Like, as if Hunter and I were...more than partners?" I tried to find the right wording without feeling embarrassed. 

Cid let out one Ha! and I blinked at the reaction. "Don't play stupid, Princess." She jabbed her clawed finger at me. "The moment you walked in here with him, you can't keep your distance from him! You two are always making googly-eyes at each other! Makes me sick!"

"What are you talking about?!" I exclaimed, feeling frustrated. My face burned.

"You two were obviously more than partners at some point - you say you hated him for years, but the moment you reunite with him and rest of those meatheads, it's like it never happened!"

"Cid, you're insane." I growled.

"I don't hear you denying it." Cid sarcastically cupped her ear and then Ha! one more time. When I rolled my eyes for the third time, and they lingered on the mysterious figure that had entered earlier. He had remained motionless since he hunkered down in the darkened corner; his arms knotted across his chest while his head roamed with patience. 

I rose from my stool. "You keep thinking all that nonsense, while I do your job." Then, I marched right over the cloaked man with one hand on my hip. "Hey, sorry about the wait. What can I get you?"

At first, the man didn't respond, but instead lowered his head even more. Just as I was turning my back to leave and forget about it, he chuckled softly, "My, have times really changed."

"R-rex...?" I stammered, instantly recognizing the clone captain's low voice. I slowly rotated on my heels to face the man again, who had simultaneously rose from his seat and removed his hood, revealing his face. "Rex, it's you..." I was taken back and at a lost for words. "W-What, are you—"

"I had gotten word that a squad of rogue clones were on Corellia. I figured I check the boys out." Rex informed, referring to the tactical droid operation a few rotations back, and then he deeply sighed. "But, I wasn't expecting to see you, Fern. It's good to see you alive."

I had a sudden urge to hug him, but that wouldn't be appropriate. "Likewise, Captain." I managed a small smile. Abruptly, some of the other customers starting making a racket, in which Cid had to intervene. I gestured with a nod. "Let's go somewhere more quiet, shall we?"

Once we were inside Cid's office, Rex leaned against her desk with his arms crossed. "So, where are the boys?"

"They're on a mission for Cid. They should be back any moment."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"Um, not my speed." I lied, thinking a headache was a poor excuse. "Besides, I'm still getting used to being on a squad after so long..." My voice trailed off, but Rex nodded like he got the message. "It'd be interesting," he said. "to find out how you and Hunter reconnected after what happened."

"Heh," I scoffed with a bob of my head. "it's sort of complicated, Sir. A lot has happened since the Republic fell. But, Rex," I stepped forward towards the clone, someone who has been my friend for many years and an ally on countless missions. "Where have you been? Last time I heard of you, you were on a mission with Commander Tano..."

"And you were assigned to General Kenobi and General Skywalker to rescuing the Chancellor."

"Then, Order 66 was initiated..." My eyes softened. "What happened, on your end?" Rex's eyes averted to his left, revealing a small scar above his temple. I gasped, "Your inhibitor chip..."

"I...was lucky, and had help." Rex sighed solemnly, his dark eyes narrowed like he was reliving a horrible memory. Then, he looked back at me and opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly the panel door slid open and Clone Force 99, or at least Hunter, Echo, and Tech, entered. Their eyes widened in unison.

"Rex?" Echo immediately stepped forward towards his former captain. "You're here?"

"Well, Cid wasn't kidding when she said there was a surprise waiting for us in her office." Hunter scoffed with his arms crossed. His eyes glanced over to me, and suddenly I was beginning to understand what Cid had said earlier. Maker, I hope he couldn't see my reddened ears.

"Yes, she wasn't too happy about it either." Tech noted, adjusting his specs.

"What are you doing here, Rex?" Echo sounded so eager to talk to him. I could understand since it was Rex who believed him to be alive on Skako Minor. I was actually asked to partake in the mission with General Skywalker, but the moment I had found out the Bad Batch would be aiding, I dropped out instantaneously...

"We've got a lot to catch up on." Rex nodded.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now