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As the Marauder touched down at the port station on Iego, Fern, Tech, and Echo stood together with their heads held high. The three of them had unanimously decided to keep Fern and Tech's hiccup from the others; the important thing was that they retrieved the Reeksa root, and thus completing the mission once they delivered it to Cid back on Ord Mantell.

The ramp lowered and the second half of their squad emerged from the ship. Fern immediately hoisted Omega from under her arms, expelling a dramatic puff of air, and supported the young girl on her hip. "How was the mission?" she asked her.

"Mostly quiet." Omega grinned, resting her forearms around Fern's neck. Then, she leaned in close and whispered, "Hunter and I had a really good talk."

"Oh, did you?" Fern smirked, and then whispered right back. "Tech and I had a really good talk, too." 

She lowered Omega back down on her feet and smiled up at Hunter, who approached her. After discussing all she did with Tech, she now viewed the sergeant with new eyes. Upon first glance, she could have sworn he had a different glint in his, as well.

"Mission accomplished." she playfully saluted.

"Ready to go?" he presumed, his tattooed brow raised with amusement.

"Ready when you are."

On their way back to Ord Mantell, while the Marauder zipped through lightspeed, both Fern and Hunter aspired to confide with the other. Alone. However, having little space for such a private conversation within the ship, the two clones individually understood they would need to wait until their foretold recess initiated once they received their combined payments. They concurrently assumed they had plenty of time in the future to talk, and so there was no need to rush...



When we arrived back on Ord Mantell, suspicious activity was instantly apparent. There were officers of unknown origins in matching dark uniforms patrolling throughout the alleyways leading to Cid's parlor. We strolled along without any trouble, but once we descended into the dim-lit bar, we found it packed with the same guards and lots of locals.

"When did this place become so popular?" Echo grimaced.

"And who are they?" Tech questioned, referring to the suspicious newcomers.

"Not our problem." Hunter said, moving forward. "Let's find Cid."

We squeezed our way to the Trandoshan's back office, where we passed by two Pykes... I nearly gasped, knowing all too well what they were capable of. 

What are they doing here?... And why were they exiting Cid's office? I quickened my pace to the front of the squad. My left hand attentively rested on my right gauntlet. Forcing our way in by knocking out a couple of the guards, we entered the office to find not Cid, but several blasters drawn at us. Of course, our instincts were to do the same. The end of my weapon was aimed down the center at Cid's desk. 

"It's rude to barge into one's office unannounced." A suave, male voice sounded behind the guards. It belonged to a pale-green-skinned Devaronian with soft, brown eyes. He was fancily dressed in a dark-turquoise uniform with an emblem stitched on the right peck. His chiseled facial features reminded me of a rich snob who was precariously self-aware with his words. He somehow managed to sustain good posture while lounging in the large, padded chair behind the wide desk.

"This isn't your office." I sneered. "Who are you and where is Cid?"

He chuckled amusingly. "Guess again, Beautiful." He took out a chest that contained a food substance, removed a piece, and hand-fed it to a very familiar reptilian creature that perched itself on the desk's surface.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now