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I'd hate to admit it, but Raxus and the city of Raxulon were breath-taking. The network of streets mazed through glorious grand-designed architecture. Plants, flowers, and trees flourished in individual gardens and midsections. Flying creatures squawked contently over our heads. The weather was clear; the air was fresh and clean. Everything about the planet was peacefully lush and beautiful. It was truly a shame it was all wasted under the control of the Empire.

With GS-8 as our guide, covertly evading our way through the city was a breeze, despite the strict security. There were clone troopers on patrol at every block, indicating precautions were on high alert. What made matters more interesting were the highly-formidable artillery walkers marching down the stone-slabbed streets. (Seemed a bit excessive even for the former Separatist capital) Furthermore, there were surveillance cameras scanning every inch of the city from above. How we made it to the senator's residence, where he was being held captive, was quite a peculiar feat.

"We have arrived at our destination." GS-8 exclaimed. We all crouched behind a row of trimmed bushes in the shade of trees. Tech pulled down his enhanced scanner that was attached to his helmet. "There are six exterior guards and multiple heat signatures inside. Four in the subterranean level."

"Seriously, Tick," I nudged him from behind, smirking. "When can I get a pair? It's my third time asking."

"Focus, Fern." Hunter said.

"Why do I get the feeling you're setting us up?" Echo abruptly growled with aggression towards the polished droid, pushing her against the concrete-cindered wall. Wrecker backed him up.

"It's against my programming to send my allies into danger." GS-8 simply stated.

"We ain't allies, tin bin." Wrecker fired back. I pushed both clones back, placing myself in between them and our guide. "Lay off. The senator is a prisoner in his own home. Of course, there are going to be guards."

"Enough." Hunter brought everyone's focus back. "We need to take out the compound's surveillance system. Move in." He led the way towards the backside of the residence. I instinctively stuck to his left. While they had a harder time remaining as quiet as possible, I acquired a special technique in walking that allowed me to stroll without a sound. It annoyed Wrecker to no end, which consequently put a smile on my face.

We concealed ourselves at the far end of the building. Tech peered around to survey the front door, then signaled us with two fingers, whispering, "There are two guards at the entrance."

"I got this." I clicked my tongue and flipped my braid to the front of my shoulder before adjusting my bandana with a plotted grin.

"Fern, wait—" Hunter started, but I had already emerged from the shadows and exposed myself, strolling up to the guards donning an innocent demeanor.

"Hey, you!" One shouted the moment he spotted me. "You can't be here! This is a restricted area!"

"Oh, really?" I gasped, then stammered, "I really am sorry!" My damsel voice portrayed the adrift civilian. "I got lost. Could you show me the way to the Empire Senate Building?" My dark eyes batted with sincerity while my body language expressed shyness. Now, part of me pondered if this act would work on clones who couldn't think for themselves due to the inhibitor chip, but luckily, I was mistaken. The clone troopers dropped their guard and approached me calmly.

"Mam, I suggest you head the way you came." One said with an authoritative tone. "You can ask for directions once you get back to the square."

"Yes, of course, um..." I tilted my head as I glanced around me. "Which way is that exactly? The square, I mean."

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now