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Hunter was waiting right at the door when I boarded. The instant the ramp sealed shut, the last ounce of adrenaline melted away with my conclusive sigh. He viscerally stepped forward when my body began to sway with the ship's ascension. When his hands firmly clasped over my biceps, holding me up on my feet, I allowed my forehead to collapse on his chest, groaning with exhaustion. "Come on," I heard him chuckle lightly. He then led me to the rear of the ship where my and Omega's room was. 

"Clean up. Get some rest." he sighed with a small grin, and began to depart.

"Wait." I snatched his forearm and pulled him back. In our close proximity, my neck arched back to meet his eyes. "We haven't really spoken since...well, you know." Hunter arched his tattooed brow as I suddenly grew bashful, my cheeks flaring up. Amused, he scoffed, cupped the back of my head, and guided it onto his chest, using his other hand to hold my lower back. The armor plate still felt warm from the sun against my temple. My heartrate escalated. There were a million words spiraling through my mind, yet uncharacteristically, I remained silent. My lips compressed into each other while I absorbed my conception of the moment.

"We're okay, Fern." His mouth pressed into my damp hairline and my body viscerally melted, my cheek smushed against his armor. 

How does this feel so natural?... My eyes closed on their own. There was no intention for this. No forced chemistry. We are helplessly magnetized to each other. The pure, raw connection between me and Hunter -- regardless if this is what the Kaminoans had hypothesized when they designed me -- was created on its own.

Maybe I should be bothered that I was seemingly created to tempt Hunter from his military duties. I was deprived of my rightful position in Clone Force 99 during the war. I had consciously moiled myself mission after mission, convincing myself I preferred acting solo. To think, when the opportunity to join the squad, I had initially refused in spite of my exhausted grudge. This feeling that warms me to my core -- I had experienced in brief increments years ago -- but it was inconceivable then. Now, after all we've been through together since Order 66, whatever was happening now...

It was worth the wait.

Inhaling deeply, I gently pushed myself off his chest and raised my chin. Hunter was waiting for me. His hand moved from my head to the nape of my neck and guided me forward. The instant  our lips touched, it was the kiss we'd both spend our whole lives waiting for... Fire igniting my soul and my thoughts rushing like rapids, I slid my hands in between our bodies, wrapped my arms around his neck, and molded myself to him. 

"Ohhhh..." We heard Omega giggle. We released our kiss and found that we were being watched by her, Echo, and Wrecker (it seemed like Tech had rather pilot the ship). 

I couldn't help shaking my head, smirking. "Enjoying the show?" Then, out of pure entertainment, I kissed Hunter again, a little harder, and I got a "Woo Hoo!" from Wrecker.

Our second kiss ended slowly. As I pulled away, lowering myself from my toes, Hunter followed me, leaning his head next to cheek that face away from our onlookers. His low, smoky voice whispered into my ear, "I love you, Fern." My eyes fluttered close at those words as I pulled back my head to meet his gaze. When I grew the courage to open them, I smiled and sighed heavenly, "I love you, too, Hunter."

Another huge cheer from both Wrecker and Omega, while Echo crossed his arm with satisfaction.

After I finally released Hunter from my grasp, he walked away to the main cabin to contact Cid. I worked on cleaning myself up, allowing Omega to rebraid my long hair, and change into some fresh clothes that I had purchased during our recess. Nothing special, just a black body suit and a maroon and grey tunic with a belt. After slipping on my old bandana over my hairline, I looked to Omega for approval. She nodded with the biggest grin on her face.

We both sat with our feet hanging over the suspended gunner's mount, AKA our room, shoulder to shoulder. There, I took both her small, slender hands in mine, squeezed them, and asked her to look at me. When she complied, her round, brown eyes shimmered from the artificial lighting above our heads.

"I'm so proud of you on how far you've come." I confessed. "Everyone here is proud of you, too." I was confident it was true, watching the boys at the head of the ship from our view. 

To think, these boys, who have never learned how to love or nurture... Who had only experienced war, destruction, and has always been treated like outcasts, even by yours truly... From the beginning, every single one of them instinctively treated the child with such a soft, gentle, and loving touch... I couldn't fathom where it came from.

"I love you, Half-Pint." I breathed. Then, I embraced her, kissing her forehead. Omega buried her face in my chest. I held her a little longer before gently pulling us apart and pressed our foreheads together, both of us stifling laughter. I never imagined in a million years, I would grow so fond of a child, much less fall in love with my best friend...

As we zipped through light-speed, I strolled into the cockpit where Tech and Echo occupied the pilot's and co-pilot's seats respectfully. Centering myself in between them, I watched the mesmerizing blue lightshow displayed outside the viewport. "I suppose we are heading back to Ord Mantell?"

"Until we have a more preferable method of collecting compensation for our labor, yes." Tech stated bluntly. 

I rolled my eyes, slapping a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, Cid has treated us with adequate decency, admit it."

"I'm siding with Tech on this one." Echo commented, and I laughed, "Why am I not surprised? Let me know if you want me to take over, okay, Tick?" I patted his shoulder and dismissed myself. Wrecker was performing reps with our gonk droid per usual in the cabin section, while Hunter monitored the computer. I noticed Omega was still lounging in our room, hugging her Tooka doll close to her chest.

My smile stretched from ear to ear when Hunter turned to me and offered me a seat next to him. I elected to settle on the arm of his chair. While we waited for our signal to reach Cid, my thoughts of the past twenty-fours were coming to a satisfying conclusion. After having some form of closure with Crosshair, my soul felt more at ease. He had made his decision, and I hoped it all paid off for him, wherever he ended up... Whatever happened next for me and my squad, on the other hand, I had no preferences. We may still be 'surviving' in this discombobulated galaxy, but we had each other. I was home, right then and now, and nothing could take away the overflowing relief I was harboring in my heart. 

Perhaps one day, I will be complete...


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