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Hello everyone !!! I hope ya'll love this chapter !

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Recap at 'TELLING JIMIN' chapter


Jungkook's POV



Kim Taehyung avoided me for all this 3 weeks since the sport . I don't get it !

I look at Taehyung mostly in the class but I got the feeling that he's trying to hold himself . What are he trying to do ? Why he hurt himself ?

And today I have to ask him . The class is over . The students already exit from the class and go to cafeteria.

"Mr Kim Taehyung .. stay " I said

I saw Kim Taehyung gulping hard and come to me slowly ...
"Did you have fun with that boy ?" I said taking out his paper to show him the score from yesterday's pop quiz

"I have" he said

I slammed a pile of the papers on the table hardly making Taehyung flinch backwards.

"I see .. guess he can fill you full then .. is he that big ?" I said and finally found Taehyung's paper

Taehyung suddenly grab his paper harshly make my finger have paper cut from his paper. I hissed at my injured finger.

"Oh shit ! Oh my god i'm sorry Jungkook ! Fuck " he said taking out his pocket tissue and wiped the blood

"Wait here" he said then go out from the class

After a few minutes, Taehyung came with an antiseptic cream in his hand and a band aid .

He quickly take my finger and wiped the blood again with the wet tissue and apply the cream on the cut . Then he put on the band aid and kiss my wound .

I was staring at him when he did all of that until my eyes widen when he kiss my finger. Taehyung suddenly stop and look at me slowly.

"Sorry its a habit I did every time on the wound"

"Sokay" I said caressing his cheeks

Taehyung push my hand away . He take the paper slowly and look at me.

"Professor .. why you asked me to stay and me gave my paper now ?"

"Correct it got it wrong about the oil painting "

Taehyung give the paper back to me without corrected anything.

"Sorry professor .. I think this is unfair for the other student" he said as he bow to me

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