Chapter 4

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Fern sat in Wanda's room, running a cold cloth across her forehead. Fern had walked by on her way to check on Sam; she heard Wanda whispering to herself in her sleep; Fern quickly realized that Wanda was having a nightmare due to all of the sweat and the state her bed was in. Fern grew what was left from the lavender she received earlier and added it to a bowl of boiling water with cedarwood and eucalyptus. The smell calmed Wanda, and when the water cooled, Fern used a cloth to wipe it around Wanda's face and hands to keep her calm the rest of the night hopefully.

"She's going to like you when she wakes up," Fern was startled by a voice at the door. She turned to find Sam and Natasha smiling at her. "She's had nightmares for a long time now; nothing calms her down that fast." Natasha walked over, sitting at the end of Wanda's bed.

"It's something that I learned from my mother; she used it to calm me as a child. I've spent a lot of time reading her old remedy books," Fern smiled as Wanda rolled over and gave a relaxed sigh. "If she wakes again, boils this; it will bring the aroma out again." Fern stood, leaving the room with a sigh.

"I feel like we got off on a bizarre foot," Sam's voice followed her into the living room.

"We did; how are you feeling? I know it doesn't settle in the stomach well sometimes," Fern sat on the love seat, glancing out of the window.

Sam sat across from her, following her gaze, "Better, I've felt worse for sure. Thank you." Sam leaned forward, resting his head in his hands for a moment. "Steve said we've got some weird shit going on around here."

"It's not aliens, wizards, or androids, so that's something you shouldn't have to worry about," Fern chuckled.

"Sounds pretty wizardry to me. I read Harry Potter; this is very Harry Potter if you ask me," Sam leaned back in his seat as Natasha entered the room.

"There's plenty of things out there that we don't know about. Stories are as real as you believe them to be," Elder and Buzz flew into the room preaching on Fern's arm. "Isn't that right, boys?" Natasha grinned, holding out her finger for Buzz to land on; he fluttered over to her.

"I think he likes me."

"He does; you smell like flowers, which are his favorite thing," Fern laughed, running the back of her fingers along Elders chest. "Elder likes no one; he's grumpy for being a young owl still."

"Right, you talk to animals. Is it like mind reading and you hear their thoughts, or are they actually talking to you?" Sam asked as Buzz flew around his head. Buzz rested on Sam's head, chirping.

"He says that your head is comfy," Fern laughed. "They talk to me; I can't read what's going on inside of their heads. Sometimes it would be nice just to know."

"I'm glad," Sam rolled his eyes.

"So are Buzz and Elder your two closest animals, or are there others?" Natasha questioned.

"They're the closest. I've known Elder since I was a child, and I saved Buzz a couple of years back. There are a few other animals in the forest that like me more than the others." Steve walked into the room with Tony close behind. Elder let out a small screech before flying out of the room. "Nice of you to join us. Sam's learning about how weird I am."

Steve laughed, taking a seat next to his friend, "I think we're all still learning how different you are."

"Not to mention the lack of social skills you sometimes have," Tony scuffed from a recliner.

"I'm sorry that I've been alone for nearly 15 years. I talk to animals and play with plants. I don't go to town unless I have to," Fern rolled her eyes. A soft growl came from down the hall, "I hope you all have a good night. If you need anything, please ask." Fern quickly left the living room.

"Again, lack of social skills," Tony commented.

"Sometimes, I really want to hit you." Natasha snapped, removing herself from the living room to sit with Wanda again.

"I'm going to go check on Bucky; you know he's going to be the most freaked out if he woke up alone," Sam left quickly after Natasha.

"Am I that bad to be around?" Tony huffed, leaning back in the recliner.

"Some days Stark, some days." Steve chuckled, being the only one to stay in the living room. "Don't worry. They have a hard time spending time with old men like us."

"You are old; I am in my prime," Tony noted, holding his finger up to Steve. He was not going to let Steve Rogers call Tony Stark old.

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