Chapter 8

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She walked out of the lab, passing by Dr. Banner as she did; he cowered away from her as they passed; she put it off, not wanting to push him. She knew his history with people; Fern didn't want to scare the man when she didn't know him.

Fern walked into the living room, finding everyone sitting around laughing at something she assumed Sam had said. The laughing stopped as she entered the room; Fern looked at Natasha, noticing that she was also in some of Fern's clothing. "Sorry, I snuck in when you were in the lab with Tony; I hope you don't mind." Natasha smiled at her. Fern shook her head, taking a seat next to Bucky on the loveseat, noticing the bottles of liquor sitting on the coffee table.

"We also broke into your liquor cabinet," Sam weakly smiled, jumping as the wolf rounded the corner into the living room and started sniffing at people. "That's the scariest one yet; the owl freaked me out, the hummingbird was annoying, but a wolf."

"You haven't met the elk yet; he's a little intimidating." Steve chuckled; he held his hand out to the wolf to sniff. "I didn't think there were many wolves around here."

"There's not anymore. He's different." Fern smirked, watching as the wolf nipped at Sam's heels, causing the man to yelp. "Oh, he didn't even hurt you." She laughed as he continued to walk around the room as the wolf followed.

"Does he have a name?" Natasha asked, making eye contact with the wolf; he snorted at her turning his head away.

"No, not yet. He said he was never given one in the lab, doesn't remember what it was before that." Fern shrugged; the wolf walked over to Bucky and rested his head on his lap.

"He was an experiment?" Steve asked, sitting forward.

"I've already told Tony, and he doesn't want me to talk about it right now. But yes, he was." Fern ran her hand over the wolf's back, sighing at its words to her. "Can we change the subject? He's overwhelmed."

"Has he read their souls? Would he like to talk about that?" Wanda asked.

"He thinks Sam is a chicken but strong-willed and big-hearted. Natasha worries him, but he believes that she is a good soul knowing she's been through a lot. He doesn't like Steve much, but it's for personal reasons; he knows that Steve is a good person." Fern sighed, giving Steve a weak smile.

"I'll ask questions later. Hopefully, I can make him like me," Steve chuckled.

"How does Ryker sound?" Bucky asked as he ran his hand through the wolf's fur. Its ears perked and lifted its head to stare into Bucky's eyes. "I can't hear him, but I believe he likes it."

"He does, and Ryker isn't the only one. I believe it suits him well," Fern smiled.

"Harver was a genius!" Tony shouted, coming into the room; Bruce wasn't far behind him, holding a tablet in his hands.

"Who's that?" Steve asked.

Tony smirked, pointing at Fern. "Her grandfather. SHIELD vetoed his serum. It was perfect; the only problem was that the animals couldn't handle it." Fern stood holding her hand out to Tony. He stopped giving her a questioning look.

"It was vetoed for a good reason," Fern growled, "Tony, leave all of that in the past, please."

"But, this information could–" Tony was stopped as Ryker began to snarl and snap at him.

"I suggest you leave it. I don't care who you are, do not, and I repeat, do not meddle in the past. It's a very dark place," Fern stepped closer, taking the tablet from Bruce's hands. She read it over quickly, shoving it back to her. "You know better than anyone not to play with science in the wrong way."

"Fern," Steve stood, "What's going on? Why do I feel like this all is more than what you've been letting it on to be." The tone in his voice hurt Fern, she didn't want to lie to anyone, but she wanted to protect what she cared about.

"Harver recreated the super-soldier serum. Perfectly, but SHIELD didn't need it anymore. They believed that the world was better left with having you be the only known super-soldier. Forget all of the animals and people who suffered for it to be created," Fern looked between Steve and Bucky, sighing. "Ryker was one of those; he ended up being something more than what they were bargaining for. So he went into cryo in case they ever needed him."

"Harver soon after found out that Hydra was living within SHIELD, and he took Ryker and his family, they came here. Harver left our family and returned to SHIELD, hoping to save everyone he loved. Upon return, Harver was killed, and SHIELD believed it was from old age; they said his research was ended and the project scrapped." Fern kneeled, holding Ryker's face in her hands. "SHIELD never actually knew the truth of Harver's research or death. Hydra covered it up."

"Don't tell me," Bucky sighed, leaning forward taking his head in his hands.

"No, Zola took out Harver. Hydra didn't know enough about my family after Harver died to come after us until the Thunderbird showed up." Fern touched Bucky's knee, he turned his attention to her, and she smiled. "I wouldn't hold something like that against you, Bucky. I know what you were like with Hydra; I saw it. That wasn't you."

"You've met before?" Sam asked, standing next to Steve.

"Bucky was there when Hydra came for the Thunderbird. I was only a child, but I wouldn't forget the person's eyes they made train and care for me. He wasn't always a bad person." Fern smiled, taking his hand in hers.

"It seems that you've been around the block. First, shield, Hydra, now us," Natasha chuckled.

Ryker's ears perked as Fern went to reply, "The God Of Thunder has awoken." Fern stood rushing to Thor's room with Ryker and the Avengers on her heels. They didn't make it there as Thor walked out of his room, lightning racing around his body.

"Thor," Steve warned, pushing his way in front of Fern.

"Where are we?" Thor demanded.

"Safe. Where we are still not exactly sure," Steve stepped closer to the god, waiting to see if he'd calm down.

"Not with that thing flying around here," Thor snapped, looking out of a window as thunder clapped loud enough to shake the house.

"The Thunderbird is only pissed off because it believes that you're a threat," Fern snapped back at him pushing her way past Steve. "Honestly, it probably shot down your jet because you entered its territory."

"It is a threat to us," Thor stepped closer to Fern, "Who do you think you are? Do you speak for the monster? I suggest you find somewhere to hide." Thor shoved Fern out of his way and walked out of the door. 

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