Chapter 19

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"So, you seem a little quiet," Wanda said, walking into Fern's room sometime later. Fern looked up from her book, a faint smile on her face. "What's going on inside of that head of yours?" Wanda sat at the end of the bed petting Elder as he perched on the footboard.

"It's weird not having Bucky and Ryker here. I got used to Ryker always lurking around behind me, so for him not to be here, it's just strange." Fern shrugged, closing her book and setting it on the bedside table. She glanced at the empty corner Ryker usually occupied.

"Well, you're going to continue to feel lonely if you sit here alone. We did not come back here for you to sit in your room. Come on," Wanda stood with a smile holding her hand out to Fern.

Sighing, Fern took Wanda's hand, allowing her to be pulled out of her room and through the house to the living room, where Natasha, Clint, and Peter sat watching Buzz race around the room. Catching sight of Fern, Buzz zoomed over to her, nuzzling their faces together; he knew she was upset. "You seem to be enjoying yourself," Fern commented to the hummingbird, taking a seat on the empty loveseat as Wanda joined Natasha on the couch.

"So what's this secret everyone's been teasing me about? I've been dying to know since I first met you," Peter asked, leaning forward in the lazy boy he was in.

"There's a guardian of the forest who must be kept a secret at all costs, so if you learn the secret, you will take it to your grave, understand?" Fern raised her brow to the young boy; Peter's facial expression changed to one of worry before he nodded. "A Thunderbird protects the forest and its surrounding area. She is very cautious and trusts few. If she starts a storm, never go out in it; you won't make it back alive."

"You're kidding, right? Thunderbirds are myths; they're from storybooks." Peter laughed, looking at everyone in the room. The four shared a look knowing that Peter was in for a trip when he saw the Thunderbird for the first time. "Seriously, you guys are joking, right? Wanda, come on."

"I've seen it with my own eyes, Peter; we were attacked by it. Did you not see the state Thor was in? Fern did that protecting the Thunderbird." Wanda smirked, playing with a ball of her magic. "I can show you if you don't believe us."

"Clint, you've been here the most, is there some bird made of thunder running around?" Peter looked to the archer hoping for an answer.

"Kid, when I tell you that I'm only scared of a few things in this world, the Thunderbird is one of them." Clint chuckled.

"The Thunderbird isn't made of thunder; it makes thunder. The Thunderbird can create storms that can last for days and flood this entire valley if it chooses to. She's made of beautiful gold and silver feathers, standing nearly ten feet tall, and she has a wingspan of over thirty feet; the Thunderbird's gold eyes bring both fear and peace when you look into them." Fern sighed, looking out of the window with a smile. "Show him, Wanda, use one of my memories if you must. Be careful; it's dark in there."

"You know, I think I'm okay. I'll wait to see it for myself. No reason to go digging around in our heads." Peter stood backing away from the four of them, holding his hands out, ready to run or fight if he needed to.

Fern went to say something else about the Thunderbird when Elder flew into the living room and began pulling at her hair. "What's wrong?" Fern stood quickly, racing out of the door; she found the herd of elk running past the house in a panic. "Whoa, hey, calm down. What's going on?" She tried to slow them, nearly being run over multiple times.

"What's going on?" Clint asked, running out to pull her out of the way of the stampeding elk.

"I don't know; they won't talk. They're too scared," Fern glanced up the mountain, she couldn't see the Thunderbird, and there was no answer as she called out to it.

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