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Scheduled a few weeks later was a field trip to some greenhouses with Mr. Molina. When we arrived at school that morning, Edward insisted we get close to Bella, but far enough away to where she wouldn't join our conversation. I rolled my eyes at him, but complied anyway.

"You know, I can tell you how your future with her looks." I offered, standing in between Jasper and Edward.

"No, thank you." Edward said, jaw tense.

"I'm sure it'll be beautiful." I pressed. Jasper wrapped his arm around my waist, laughing lowly into my hair.

"No, Josephine." Edward snapped, eyes glued to Bella.

"Ouch, full name." I pouted. Edward laughed at me before Mr. Molina directed us to our bus. Despite Edward's refusal, I looked into his and Bella's future together anyway.

Images of Bella running beside Edward, skin glittering in the sun, danced around my vision. Edward smiled genuinely as he chased after her, her twinkling laughter taking up my sense of hearing.

"Stop it." Edward snapped, forcing me out of my vision. I blinked a few times, trying to regain normal vision. Eventually the glittering of Bella's skin and the twinkling sound of her laughter released my senses, and I met the slightly worried eyes of my mate.

"I'm alright. It's just hard to regain control when I'm pulled away from my visions." I whispered, taking his hand in mine. He nodded and kissed my forehead, sending Edward a half-hearted glare.

The bus rolled to a stop, prompting Jasper to stand up and pull me out of the vehicle. We waited for the rest of our family outside, watching quietly as students piled into a greenhouse.

"I was right." I smirked as I saw Edward. His face went from blank to annoyed as I laughed in victory. "Your future with her is beautiful."

"Shut up." He hissed, moving in the direction of Bella.

"Come on Josie!" Emmett boomed, pulling me up off the ground and slinging me over his shoulder. I squealed at the unexpected gesture, giggling as he ran towards the greenhouse.

"Emmett!" I giggled, lightly hitting his back. "Let me down!"

"No can do, Josie." Emmett laughed, carrying me around the greenhouse. I sighed playfully and fell limp on his shoulder. Rosalie and Jasper soon entered my field of view, laughing at my predicament.

"Please, Em?" I asked quietly, making him stop walking.

"Alright, fine. But only because you're my favorite sister." Emmett chuckled, placing me on my feet.

"I'm your only sister." I reminded, adjusting my hair.

"I know." Emmett teased, wrapping an arm around Rose and walking ahead of us. Jasper offered me his arm, and I took it with a grin.

"Excited for this tour?" Jasper asked.

"Not at all." I answered. "Just excited to be out with you."

Jasper chuckled lightly, earning the attention of a few girls ahead of us. They all smiled at him, batting their lashes in his direction, but he didn't pay them any mind. Instead, he plucked a flower from one of the planter boxes and handed it to me with a smile.

"Thank you." I grinned, taking the flower and laying my head on his shoulder.

"My pleasure, ma'am." Jasper teased.

"Don't start making me feel my age, Jas." I whined, turning my face towards his. Jasper chuckled and escorted me out of the greenhouse. We stayed silent as we walked, listening to the conversations between Bella and Edward. I giggled when Bella told Edward that there were Floridians in Florida, knowing it pissed Edward off. He couldn't read her mind, and it drove him crazy; almost as crazy as her scent.

"You don't know anything." Edward said roughly, signaling me to step in. Holding my breath as to not feel tempted by Bella's scent, I interrupted Edward.

"Hi." I smiled, sending a 'calm down' to Edward mentally. "Are you going to be riding with us?"

"No, our bus is full." Edward answered for Bella, knocking on the bus door. I followed after him hesitantly, eyes following Bella for a moment.

"She's frustrated, and slightly hurt." Jasper muttered to me. I nodded to him, feeling upset for Bella.

"She's better off without me in her life." Edward chimed in as we took our seats.

"That's not for you to decide." I snapped, throwing up a mental wall so he couldn't read my thoughts. I heard him sigh, and I felt Jasper trying to calm me down. He kissed my forehead and left us in silence as we rode back to school.


The next day at school was like any other; students gossiped about who wore what and who was talking to who, teachers grumbled about grading assignments, Rosalie and Emmett were discussing their next trip, Jasper and I were cuddled up together, and Edward was being an insufferable ass.

At that thought, Edward flipped me off. I tossed a fry at his forehead, glaring at him harshly.

"You're making the poor girl angry, confused, and frustrated." I stated as he threw down his own food. "You don't have to be an ass to keep her safe, Edward."

"You don't know that." Edward snapped, looking over at the brunette as she greeted her friends.

"I'm the only one who can possibly know that." I countered. Edward sighed and then nodded, standing and walking toward the salad bar, where Bella was getting food.

"You shouldn't encourage him." Rosalie stated, glancing over at me. I sat up, letting Jasper's arm fall from around me.

"I'm not encouraging him." I argued. "We've coexisted with humans for a long time without being rude. Being his blood singer isn't an excuse for Edward to be acting the way he is."

"She has a point." Emmett chimed. Rosalie scrunched her nose up, but nodded.

"You do." Rosalie agreed. "But he shouldn't be talking to her more than he needs to."

"No," Jasper finally spoke. "He shouldn't."

Suddenly, a vision of the future overtook my senses.

I was sat in a docked boat, drinking and singing a song. I had no control over my senses as fear flooded the body I was in. A man's voice called out, hearing whistling in the wind. There was no answer, just another whistle in the wind. I spun, pulling the headphones off of my ears, calling for someone called Gerald. I stood, calling for Gerald again. Instead of waiting for an answer, I started the boat. Just as I was about to pull away from the dock, a pale hand grabbed the front of the boat, keeping me in place.

A beautiful redhead with blood red eyes stared down at me. The rest of the vision blurred together, leaving just the fear and the pain in its place.

I gasped as my vision returned to normal, my usually steady hands shaking violently.

"Josie? What did you see?" Jasper asked frantically. I tried to answer, but no sound came out of my mouth. "Josephine?"

"Get her out of here." Rosalie hissed lowly, glaring at the prying eyes of nosy students. Jasper wrapped an arm around me and pulled me out of the lunch room. Once we were in the safety of the forest, I let out a shaky breath.

"Josephine?" Jasper tried. Instead of answering, I threw myself into his arms, seeking comfort. He held me close, calming me without using his gift. After a few minutes of unnecessarily breathing in his scent, I finally felt calm enough to speak.

"It was a new kind of vision. I had no control." I muttered.

"Take your time." Jasper urged.

"Someone's going to die, Jasper." I stated shakily. "And I felt it. I felt the pain, and the fear. I saw one of them briefly, but then I lost sight of her and my sight was gone, but my other senses were still stuck in the vision."

"Hey, hey." Jasper soothed, running a hand through my blonde hair. "It's okay. We have to tell Carlisle."

"Okay." I nodded, sighing into Jasper's chest.

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