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"It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see," I hissed, ripping my hand away from Aro. "You still won't change your decision."

I turned away from Aro, meeting the eyes of Bella. She started to shake her head at me, but I nodded slightly, mouthing 'now' at her. She turned to Jacob, and then he and Renesmee were running through the forest.

"Get them." Caius commanded. I turned back to Aro and quickly kicked his chin, sending him soaring above the battlefield. I turned to run toward my family as Aro landed, getting quickly captured by two Volturi guards. I struggled in their hold, looking to Jasper for help.

He growled at his own guards, his eyes turning black as Aro commanded that I be taken away. I looked away from Jasper and looked over at Carlisle, eyes wide as I was dragged backward.

"Let her go!" Carlisle yelled, racing forward. He pushed two guards away from him as he sprinted across the field, and leapt into the air to meet Aro. The two collided, and Carlisle's body crashed to the ground in front of me. I struggled in the arms of the guards even more as I realized Carlisle was missing his head, and gasped as his body was set on fire.

Esme's brokenhearted scream echoed across the field, and suddenly all our allies rushed toward the Volturi, running to avenge the death of Carlisle. Aro answered in kind, sending his guard forward to stop the incoming attack.

Jasper broke free, rushing forward to help our family in the fight. I tried to fight off the Volturi guards keeping me still, but they were much stronger than me. Just as I was about to use the snow on the ground to my advantage, Jasper's painful groan caught my attention.

My eyes snapped up to him, and I nearly pulled my own arms off trying to stop Jane from hurting Jasper any further. Jasper was forced to his knees, and one of the guards hit the back of his neck, knocking his head clean off.

"No!" I screamed, feeling an overwhelming pain and rage fill my chest. In my rage, I jumped over the guards holding me, ripping their arms off as I did. I tossed them both into a fire and turned to scan the field. My eyes landed on Jane, and as I went to approach her, I focused onto what she was looking at.

Seth Clearwater's neck was broken by a guard, and Leah's howl broke my already broken heart even further. I scanned the field again, shaking my head as I realized we were losing this fight. From across the field, my eyes met Benjamin's. I remembered his gift, and gave him a nod.

He seemed to understand what I meant, and we both reached down into the snow. Benjamin created a crack from his side of the field to mine, and I pulled the snow beneath the feet of a few guards toward the crack in the earth.

I stopped pulling the snow as I caught sight of Esme clutching onto the edge of the crack in the earth. I stood, ready to save her, but stopped when Leah Clearwater leapt into the crack, taking out two guards and the one holding onto Esme. We both watched her fall, but I looked away in search of Jane.

She was watching her family be torn apart, and attempted to run as her eyes met mine. I sneered at the girl and raced toward her, fully intent on killing the person that not only killed my mate, but killed Seth and Leah. I avoided the guards attempting to stop me, shoving a few away from me, but never taking my eyes off of Jane.

Jane was trying to use her power on me, but stopped when she realized Bella was shielding me. She turned to run again, glancing behind her as I jumped to cut her off. I grabbed Jane by her throat and glared into her red eyes. They were filled with fear and realization as I pushed her into the snow and grabbed her by her collar. I met the angry eyes of Sam Uley, and shoved Jane to the ground right in front of him. Sam snarled at Jane before he dug his teeth into her, ripping her to pieces.

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