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Edward had been teaching Renesmee the song he composed for Bella. It was a welcome distraction after Irina spotted the young girl and decided to run off. The sound was beautiful, and it proved that Renesmee's growth wasn't just physical.

She was a very smart girl, always ready to learn something she had not previously known. She wanted to know about all of our lives, sports, and now she wanted to learn about music. Edward was more than willing to oblige, and so he started with Bella's lullaby. As Ness played, I was arranging a new flower vase for the living room. I'd placed the last flower in the vase and was heading back to the living room when Ness played two keys that triggered a vision.

Snow covered trees. Snow just sticking to the forest floor. Freshly polished black shoes crunching across the freshly fallen snow. Black cloaks lined with regal red rested on pale bodies clad in black. A sea of ruby eyes, the single pair of golden eyes standing out. The crest of the Volturi, followed by the swishing of red silk.

The vision had shocked me, so much so that I dropped the vase at my feet. The sound of glass shattering forced Renesmee to stop playing, and all eyes were on me in a second. Jasper looked up from his magazine, tossing it aside and rushing to my side as he took in the look on my face.

"What is it, darling?" Jasper asked, most likely feeling the slight panic I was feeling. "What did you see?"

"The Volturi." I breathed, feeling an overwhelming sense of fear coursing through my body. "They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard. And Irina."

"Honey, come here." Bella whispered, holding her arm out for Ness.

"Why?" Carlisle asked me.

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward questioned Jacob and Bella.

"We were just walking." Bella started.

"Ness was catching snowflakes." Jacob added, making me tense up slightly.

"Edward." I whispered.

"Of course." Edward nodded. "Irina thinks Renesmee's an immortal child."

After Renesmee had been put to bed, Carlisle began educating Bella on the dangers of immortal children. I stayed close to Jasper, resting my head on his chest as we watched Bella flip through books containing tales of immortal children.

"The immortal children were very beautiful." Carlisle started. "So enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation; stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene. Since the children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. Their creators grew very attached, and fought to protect them. Long-established covens were torn apart; countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families; lost."

"So, the Denali's mother made an immortal child?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Carlisle nodded. "And she paid the price."

"Well, Renesmee's nothing like those children." Bella defended her daughter. "She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day."

"So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob questioned.

"Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts." Edward shook his head.

"So we fight." Jacob decided.

"Their offensive weapons are too powerful." Jasper stated, holding me tightly in his arms. "No one can stand against Jane."

"Alec's even worse." I added, nearly shaking at the thought of the witch twins.

"Well, then we convince them." Bella snapped.

"They're coming to kill us." Emmett said, looking at Bella. "Not to talk."

"No, you're right." Edward spoke. "They won't listen to us. But maybe others can convince them. Carlisle, you have friends all over the world."

"I won't ask them to fight." Carlisle stated firmly.

"Not fight. Witness." Edward corrected. "If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen."

"We can ask this of our friends." Esme spoke kindly. I shared a look with Jasper, shielding my thoughts from Edward.


While the rest of the family prepared to leave, I scrawled a note on the page of a book from Bella and Edward's house. Bella would figure it out, she was the only one. I had managed to keep my plan hidden from Edward's prying mind, not even giving Jasper or Bree any details. As I finished writing the note, I folded it once and tucked it into the pocket of the jacket I was wearing.

"Are you sure?" Jasper asked, watching me as I packed a bag.

"Yes." I nodded.

"What about Bree?" Jasper questioned.

"She had to stay with Seth." I rationalized. "We have to go, Jas. It's the only way; I've seen it."

"Okay, darling." Jasper nodded, grabbing my hand gently.

"Let's go." I whispered. Jasper picked up his own packed bag and followed after me out of our bedroom window. We travelled quickly and quietly through the woods, stopping just at the treaty line. Sam and Paul growled lowly before stepping out of the tree-line. They looked at Jasper and I and turned back to the trees to shift.

"What are you doing here?" Paul huffed.

"Paul." Sam snapped sharply. "What can we do for you?"

"I'm here to ask if we can cross your land to the ocean." I told Sam. "Jasper and I need to go."

"We'll escort you through." Sam said, stepping aside so Jasper and I could jump across the small creek.

"Thank you." I told the alpha, hopping over the creek and landing beside him. Jasper followed suit, instantly placing a hand on the small of my back.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked, leading us across the reservation.

"Thoughts aren't safe." I reminded, pulling the note from my jacket pocket. "Speaking of which, can you give this to my family?"

"Of course." Sam nodded, taking the note and pocketing it. "Will you be back?"

"I can't tell you." I sighed, catching sight of the ocean crashing against the waves of the reservation.

"You told someone, there's a boat waiting for you down there." Paul spoke.

"I requested a boat, I didn't give them my itinerary." I said, grabbing Jasper's hand in mine.

"Whatever." Paul huffed, walking away as we reached the boat.

"Thank you, Sam." I smiled, stepping into the boat with the help of Jasper.

"Stay safe, Josephine." Sam offered, turning to walk away.

"Ready, love?" I asked, settling into the passenger seat of the speed boat.

"Whenever you are, darling." Jasper smiled softly, starting the boat and pulling away from the dock.

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