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"But what if we had flowers here?" Bree asked, pointing down at the diagram in front of us.

"I've already seen them here." I told her, pointing to the opposite end of the diagram. Bree hummed and slowly nodded her head.

"And the aisle, have you seen that yet?" She asked, her muddy red-brown eyes scanning the diagram.

"Not yet, but I was thinking..." I trailed off, grabbing the other drawing. "Here."

"My girls." Jasper sighed, leaning against the door jam of our room. "Still wedding planning?"

"Well, neither of us can go to school again." I pouted playfully. "And I want Bella's wedding to be absolutely perfect."

"And I just want to help." Bree added, her eyes lighting up as she grabbed a pencil and sketched in logs on either side of the aisle. "What do you think?"

"Yes." I nodded, seeing the aisle in a vision. "Yes, that'll be beautiful."

"Take a break?" Jasper requested, closing my massive wedding planning binder.

"But," I gasped. "Jas! I need to finish this!"

"Not right now, darling." Jasper smiled, grabbing Bree and I and gently tugging us up. "It's time to take Bree into town."

"What if I'm not ready?" Bree started to panic. "I haven't been on this new diet long, an-"

"Bree, honey." I smiled softly, grabbing the slightly shorter girl by her shoulders. "I believe in you. It's going to take you some time to feel comfortable in the presence of humans, but you're going to have to get some practice in for the wedding."

"You'll be there with me?" Bree asked, taking my hand in hers.

"I won't leave your side." I smiled. "And neither will Jasper."

"Come on, girls." Jasper laughed, offering us each an arm.

We all ran to a town a few cities over in order to avoid people still looking for Bree. Once we stepped out of the forest, Bree grabbed ahold of my hand and scanned the area around us.

"We're just going to pick up a few things." Jasper told Bree with a soothing smile. "Maybe, if you're feeling up to it, you can pick a few things out for your room up in Alaska?"

"I have a room in Alaska?" Bree asked.

"Of course you do." I beamed. "I've had a room in that house collecting dust. It's yours now."

"And I can decorate it however I like?" Bree questioned.

"Don't worry, Jo will have little to do with how your room looks." Jasper reassured.

"You make me out to be a nightmare." I pouted. "I just like things to be perfect."

"I think you're perfect." Jasper kissed my forehead.

"Come on guys." I grinned, tugging them both toward the first store in town.


"Jo!" Bree called from downstairs. "Bella's here!"

I ran down the stairs and pulled open the front door with a wide grin.

"Bella!" I greeted excitedly, pulling the awkward girl into a gentle hug. "Are you nervous? Excited? Have you been sleeping?"

"Easy, Jo." Bella laughed awkwardly, patting my arm.

"Come on." I said, tugging Bella into the backyard.

"Do you really still need me for anything?" Bella questioned, looking around the backyard with wide eyes.

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