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"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or, in my case, a princess." Jessica Stanley said, causing the small graduating class of Forks High School to laugh. "When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rockstar, cowboy, or, in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this? Who the hell knows?"

With a grin, I clapped my hands at Jessica's words. While she wasn't my favorite person, she seemed nervous and needed the confidence booster from myself and the rest of the graduating class.

"This isn't the time to make hard-and-fast decisions." Jessica continued with a smile, appearing much more confident in herself and her speech. "This is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love... a lot. Major in philosophy, because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind, and change it again, because nothing's permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess. We'll know."

After Jessica's speech, and receiving yet another high school diploma, I forced Jasper to take me home so I could make sure everything was perfect. I put together the playlist and started greeting kids as they drove up the driveway.

"You did a great job." Jasper whispered into my ear.

"Thank you." I smiled, excusing myself from the group of kids that had gathered around me to check on some other guests that made their way upstairs to admire our home.

"I'm going to find Carlisle." Jasper kissed my cheek.

"Don't get swept away by a pretty young high school graduate." I called over my shoulder.

"Unless she's you, my feet will stay firmly planted on the ground." Jasper smiled goofily. I rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs, making sure everyone was safe and nothing was broken. As I made my way back down the stairs, I was hit with a sudden vision of a somewhat familiar face.

A man who somehow seemed familiar was holding up Bella's red blouse, allowing his army of newborns to get a whiff. Then, he was leading his army through a lumber mill and into the waters, heading straight for Forks. Straight for Bella.

When I came out of the vision, Bella appeared right in front of me.

"Josie, what'd you see?" She questioned, not bothering to try and pull my blank stare from the hardwood floor.

"The decision's been made." I answered.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked, stepping into place beside Bella.

"You're not going to Seattle." Bella stated.

"No." I confirmed, pulling my gaze up to meet Bella's eyes. "They're coming here."

Bella sighed and went to grab the boys, leaving me to lead three wolves up into Carlisle's office.

"Come on." I mumbled, gently making my way through the crowd of graduates. "Just through here."

"You alright?" One of Jacob's friends, Embry, asked.

"Yes." I nodded, showing them into the office and waiting for Jasper. "Yes, I'm alright."

"Liar." Jasper breathed, breaking through the wall of wolves to wrap his arm around me.

"I'm not lying," I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder. "I'm just confused."

"What did you see, Josie?" Carlisle asked, beginning to pace between all of those in his office.

"They'll be here in four days." I announced.

"This could turn into a bloodbath." Carlisle sighed, leaning against the table Bella and Edward were up against.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized." I started, before picturing the somewhat familiar face. "Maybe one..."

"I know his face." Edward nodded. "He's local. Riley Biers. He didn't start this."

"Whoever did is staying out of the action." I huffed, shaking my head.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision." Carlisle added.

"Either way, the army is coming." Jasper spoke. "And there aren't enough of us to protect the town."

"Hold up." Jacob scoffed slightly. "What damn army?"

"Newborns." Carlisle answered. "Our kind."

"What are they after?" Embry questioned.

"They were passing around Bella's scent." I sighed. "A red blouse."

"They're after Bella?" Jacob snapped. "What the hell does this mean?"

"It means an ugly fight." Carlisle nodded. "With lives lost."

I sighed and squeezed Jasper's side, feeling frustrated and scared knowing we might not make it out of this attack.

"All right." Jacob sounded. "We're in."

"No." Bella shook her head. "You'd get yourselves killed. No way."

"I wasn't asking for permission." Jacob commented.

"Edward?" Bella asked, hoping to have someone on her side.

"It means more protection for you." Edward sighed, giving Bella a soft smile.

"Jacob, do you believe Sam would agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asked.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires." Jacob spat.

"Jasper?" Carlisle questioned.

"They'll give us the numbers." Jasper answered, running through strategies in his head. "Newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge."

"We'll need to coordinate." Carlisle decided.

"Carlisle, they're gonna get hurt." Bella argued.

"We'll all need some training." Carlisle informed the worrisome Bella. "Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us."

"All right." Jacob agreed. "Name the time and place."

"Jake, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Bella tried to persuade Jake out of fighting.

"Bella," Jacob started. "This is what we do. You should be happy. Look at us, working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along. Remember?"

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