Great American Pastime

The next day, just before Bella and Edward arrived for dinner, I took Jasper out on a hunt. He'd suggested it, telling me that he didn't want to lash out and hurt Bella when she was at our home. We ran North, trying to find something big enough to satiate Jasper's thirst for the evening. He'd managed to track and kill a bear, while I killed a few deer. Once we cleaned up our mess, we headed home. Jasper smiled fondly at me while I picked flowers, collecting them in a small bouquet for Esme.

Jasper and I laughed lightly as we climbed the tree outside of the kitchen, mostly because I managed to trip over my own feet before we started our climb. I stepped carefully out on the branch that would lead me inside, aware of Jasper behind me, still amused by my ability to trip.

"Hi Bella." I greeted, hopping down from the tree branch. I smirked at Jasper in victory as I didn't trip, and he hopped off the branch with a smile of his own. "I'm Josephine."

I hugged her, taking in her scent for the first time outside of one of my visions. My eyes widened slightly as I stepped back from the human.

"Wow, you do smell good." I commented, unable to stop myself.

"Josephine, what are you-" Edward began.

"It's okay." I cut him off with a smile. "Bella and I are going to be great friends."

Jasper slid one hand from behind his back, settling it on my waist. The family looked from me to Jasper, noticing the slight struggle he was having.

"Sorry," Carlisle commented. "Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He forced out, gripping my waist tighter.

"It's alright Jasper." I said, placing my hand over his. "You won't hurt her."

"Alright, well," Edward said, turning away from me. I smirked slightly, knowing I'd made him uncomfortable. "I want to take you on a tour of the house."

"Oh, well, I'll see you soon." I smiled at Bella, giggling lightly when Edward sent me an annoyed look.

"I think that went well." Esme smiled, turning to Rosalie. "Clean this up."

"I got it, Rosie." I smiled, handing Esme the bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks Josie." Rose smiled genuinely, taking Emmett's hand and pulling him away from the kitchen. I quickly cleaned up the broken glass and the salad, smiling as Esme filled up a vase for the flowers. Even though I was many years older than Esme, she'd truly become a mother figure to me.

"Come on, Jasper." I said, grabbing his hand. "Let's go upstairs."


About a week later, I got a vision of the weather in Forks; thunder storms. I excitedly told Jasper, nearly squealing at the news. He grinned at my excitement, feeding off of my elation. I then informed the family, and suddenly all we could focus on was baseball.

Edward invited Bella to come watch, rather than play, and our coven stood in an empty field, waiting for the couple and for the thunder to start. Once the pair arrived, Bella wearing an adorable hat, I informed the family that it was time to start.

Rosalie was first to bat, sending me a smile. I smirked back, throwing her a perfect pitch. She hit it, as predicted, and I watched as Rosalie ran the bases. However, Edward grabbed the ball and threw it to Esme. Rosalie slid home, but Esme was prepared, and Bella said Rosalie was out. Emmett cheered, but Rosalie looked annoyed.

"Babe, come on!" Emmett called. "It's just a game."

Rosalie glared at Bella as she walked around her. Carlisle tried to soothe her, but Rosalie was too irritated. I waited for Edward to come back to the clearing before turning and facing Carlisle. I paused, looking into the future slightly, before throwing my pitch. Carlisle hit the ball, prompting Emmett and Edward to speed toward the ball. I giggled as they collided mid-air in perfect sync with a strike of lightning. Carlisle made it to second base, and Emmett threw me the ball.

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