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When we got home, Carlisle began researching for reasons why my visions were suddenly out of my control. While he researched through the night, Jasper did everything he could to keep me distracted; he took me hunting, even though I wasn't thirsty, he told me it was time for our closet to be donated and restocked and gave me his laptop with a few fashion sites open, and he even helped me plan our next wedding, which I knew wouldn't be for another ten years.

But, all I could think about during that time was the panic the man felt in my vision. The only other time I'd felt anything like it was back in 1693, when I was accused of being a witch and sentenced to death. The panic that flooded my system was paralyzing, and only added to the overall fear and pain I felt once water replaced the oxygen in my body.

"Josephine." Jasper's sharp voice quipped, drawing my unfocused eyes from the laptop screen. I forced them to focus on Jasper's eyes, taking note of how distressed he looked at the moment.

"Jasper." I countered.

"You're thinking about your death again." He reminded, putting down his journal. "I can feel the anxiety building within you."

"I'm sorry." I apologized quietly. He stood from his chair, walking over to me and taking one of my hands in his.

"Don't apologize, it's only natural that you'd think about it after your vision." Jasper said, sending waves of calm to me. "But it's not good for you to dwell on something you have no control over."

"But I can find him, and maybe I can save him." I tried.

"You know you can't." Jasper shook his head. "There are far too many places he could be. I know you want to help, but you just can't."

"I hate feeling helpless." I sighed, putting the laptop on the daybed and climbing into Jasper's lap.

"I know you do, darling." Jasper nodded, kissing the top of my head. "But there's nothing we can do."

"Sorry to interrupt." Carlisle sounded from the door frame. "A body was found by some docks."

I sucked in an unnecessary breath and turned my face into Jasper's shoulder. However, instead of finding comfort in his arms, I found myself in another vision of the future.

Tonight, Bella would research Cold Ones. Following this lead will pull her into a hole of vampires and creatures of the like, and she would figure out what we are. Tomorrow at school, Bella will confront Edward about what he is, and he'll try to convince her that he's dangerous. But she won't listen, and instead of running for the hills, she and Edward get together.

"She's going to find out." I stated, pulling away from Jasper. His eyes harden and he watches me move toward our open window.

"I thought Edward was keeping away from her." Jasper spoke.

"You and me both."


Sitting in Rosalie's car a few days later was the least comfortable I felt near humans in a very long time. Edward choosing to pursue a relationship with a human was dangerous, not only for him, but for the rest of our coven as well. The Volturi are begging for a chance to implicate our coven, hoping that the pressure they could put on us would drive Edward, Jasper, and I into their awaiting arms. 

Luckily, I'd avoided joining them since they sought me out in 1930, and I wanted to keep away from them for as long as possible. But with Bella knowing as much as she does, Edward is practically inviting the Volturi into our home.

Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and I watched with angry expressions as Edward happily walked Bella from his car to the school building. Of course, I'd seen that Bella and I would get along, and I wasn't angry at her for anything; I was angry at Edward for putting us at risk. Maybe it's because I'd been alive for so long, and Edward was still young, but he truly didn't understand the danger he was putting us in.

Which is exactly why Rosalie and I were in such sour moods when Edward told us that Bella was coming over for dinner the following day. Rosalie stormed off into the woods, Emmett hot on her heels, whereas I just went blank. I shielded my emotions from Jasper, and my thoughts from Edward, and instead of storming off into the woods, I calmly walked upstairs and into my room. I picked up a book I hadn't read and sat in Jasper's chair for hours. Jasper tried to talk to me, but I didn't want to take my anger out on him, so I kept my mouth shut.

I'd reached my limit when Edward came into our room, asking me what was wrong.

"You don't seem to understand just how dangerous you involving yourself with her is." I snapped, shutting the book.

"I understand the dangers, Josephine." Edward countered, settling against the doorframe.

"No, I don't think you do." I huffed. "Edward, the Volturi want us; you, me, and Jasper. You just gave them a perfect reason to come 'check in on us'. Speaking to her is one thing, but telling her what we are? Inviting her into our home? Your infatuation with her is going to get us in some serious trouble, and you're going to get that poor girl killed."

"I wouldn't put Bella in danger, Josephine." Edward growled out. Jasper took a step forward, but I stopped him with a look.

"You already have, Edward." I said heatedly.

"You don't understand." Edward said, shaking his head. "I would never let anything happen to Bella. I would die to protect her."

"She's dangerous for this family." I stated. Edward growled, grabbing me by my throat and pinning me against the wall.

"Edward!" Jasper hissed.

"He won't hurt me." I decided. "He just wants me to stop telling him what he needs to hear."

Edward glared down at me before releasing me, speeding out of the room. Jasper rushed to me, checking me over for injuries we both knew he wouldn't find. His dark eyes found mine, an even darker look in them.

"He crossed a line." Jasper spoke. His accent was stronger, and he stood with a certain rigidity that told me that his alter ego, Major Whitlock, had taken over.

"Jasper, I'm okay." I said, grabbing hold of his upper arms.

"He threatened you." Jasper spoke darkly.

"But I'm okay." I reminded, grabbing his jaw and forcing his eyes to meet mine. "I promise, Jasper. He didn't hurt me, and I'm sure you can tell that he didn't scare me."

Jasper's eyes slowly lightened, and his stance relaxed ever so slightly. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"As long as you're okay, darling." He breathed, wrapping his arms around me.

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