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Overcoming Fear

"Are you sure it has to be today?" I asked nervously, gripping Jasper's hands.

"The faster you overcome your fear, the faster you can relax." Jasper whispered, kissing my forehead.

"But, how do we even know this is go-" I was cut off by Emmett picking me up by my hips. "Emmett, no!"

"Sorry, Josie." He laughed, moving toward the lake in front of us. "I love you, which is why I'm going to throw you in."

"Emmett, please don't!" I screamed, trying to get out of his grasp. I felt panic swell in my chest as Emmett lifted me above his head with ease. "Jasper!"

"I'm sorry." Jasper spoke through gritted teeth, allowing himself to be held in place by Rosalie and Carlisle.

Emmett then threw me into the air, sending me a few hundred feet forward. I held my breath despite not needing to, and squeezed my eyes shut as my body moved toward the water. However, my body never touched the murky lake water. Instead, I landed on my feet on the surface of the water.

"Fascinating." I heard Carlisle mutter as I froze. My eyes were still squeezed shut, and I brought my arms around myself.

"Open your eyes, Jo." Rosalie said, her tone awestruck. I shook my head, feeling a panic attack start to settle in my chest.

"Josephine." Jasper said softly. "Open your eyes."

"I don't want to." I muttered.

"I promise you're safe." Jasper added. "Just open your eyes and see for yourself."

So, slowly, I opened my eyes. All I saw in front of me was the surface of the large lake and my family lined up on the bank, watching me curiously. I glanced down and sucked in an unnecessary breath, confused at the fact that I was standing on the lake.

"What is happening?" I questioned.

"Try to walk." Carlisle prompted.

"Uh," I said, my voice shaky. "I don't know, Carlisle."

"Just try." Esme pushed with a warm smile. I took a step forward, nearly falling forward as the water moved away from my feet completely. The only way I could describe what happened next is comparing it to the parting of the Red Sea; the lake water around me rose, allowing me to gently step onto the dry bed of the lake a hundred feet below the surface.

"What?" I breathed, watching a large fish swim past me. "This is amazing."

"Yeah," Rosalie laughed. "You should see it from our side."

"I guess you were right, Jasper." I giggled, running forward. The water moved around me, never touching my marble skin.

"How so, darling?" He asked, watching me with a smile.

"I guess I can't ever drown." I beamed, running into his arms. He caught me with ease, smiling as my elation reached his gift.

"Told you." He teased, placing me back on my feet. I turned to Emmett and glared.

"If you ever throw me again, I'll do everything to make your present and your future a living hell." I stated.

"You needed a little push." He shrugged. "I'm not apologizing."

"Emmett." Rose snapped. "Apologize to her. You gave her a panic attack."

"Fine." He huffed. "I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." I smiled. "Don't ever do that to me again."

"I guess your power is manipulating the water." Carlisle grinned. "This is amazing."

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