1. The Wish

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You unlock your apartment door after another long day at work. Another day filled with writing countless emails for your boss. Your boss who sits there on his phone the whole time—obviously scrolling through some online dating app—and makes four times your pay while doing none of the work.

He essentially has you do his job for him. Prepare his meetings, send emails, call potential business partners, make orders. Anything he should be doing himself, you do.

But you make more money here than you would at any other job so you weren't going to quit any time soon. Plus, some of your coworkers are your friends! Well... you've talked to the intern a couple times. And you always tell the janitor goodnight and ask him how he's doing. That has to count for something.

You take your shoes off at the door and check your watch. It's exactly 11:11.

There's this silly thing you do, it used to be something your mom did when you were young and you ended up adopting it. So, now whenever you see that it's 11:11, you make a wish. For whatever you feel like at the time. To be your favorite character in a book, or that you had a better job. Its usually for a better job. They never come true but they always give you something to think about during your work day.

So you close your eyes and make a wish. You whisper, "I wish to wake up in the MCU."

You open your eyes and walk further into your apartment. You set your keys down along, with your wallet and employee ID. Walking to the kitchen you set a kettle to boil and put your mug with a tea bag out before going to your room.

You change into some pajamas and go to wait for the kettle to finish. It beeps and you pour the boiling water over your tea bag. Setting a timer to let the tea steep, you set up a movie. All day at work, you had been looking forward to rewatching the first Avengers movie. You've been going through the series again; a couple days ago you started with Ironman 1. It's why you wished for what you did.

When your tea is finally ready, you start the movie. You slowly drink from your mug while watching the movie, but you pause it when Steve gets on the S.H.E.I.L.D. helicarrier to make another cup.

Later, feel yourself falling asleep, but you're determined to finish the movie. Despite your best efforts to stay awake, you end falling asleep on the couch right before Tony goes into the portal.

While you sleep, your electricity flickers off and the room fills with a bright rainbow light. Almost as quickly as it appeared, the bright light disappears, along with you. The electricity comes back on, and the television illuminates the now empty couch.


a/n: i just want to thank my amazing beta the_gayme_is_on they've proof read this story, and put up with my horrible inconsistency on sending them chapters. they're also the main reason i was able to find the motivation to finish this story. thank you so much, ily C <3

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