17. The Game Plan

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Yeah, Loki really likes you. A lot.

You make him so happy, and he's never felt this way about anyone. Not even towards the limited amount of friends he had on Asgard. You're more than a friend to him and he can only hope you feel the same way.

Loki doesn't want to loose you, even if that means he has to suffer and be stuck being your friend forever. As long as he can spend time with you, he's happy. If you're happy, he's happy.

But, he just has to know. Is trying to ask you out the wrong decision, or is it wrong to not even try? And Loki really knows one person—that isn't you—he can go to, to confide in.

"Brother?" Loki says walking into Thor's open room.

Thor immediately lights up. "Yes?" he smiles.

Loki called him 'Brother' again. It's been years since Loki has referred to him as his brother and Thor has missed it. Loki had stopped when he found out he was Jötun because he was convinced Thor had been lying to him as well.

"I need your help... with asking out Y/n?" Loki mumbles, barely above a whisper.

Thor's eyes soften. It was about time! He'll have to let Clint and Sam know, a week ago they'd made a bet about when you two would go on a date. "Of course! You should ask Barnes as well, he is the one who asked Rogers out."

Loki nods, Thor seems confident about this. "But, what if they don't like me in the way I like them?"

"They do. You can ask anyone in the tower, Y/n likes you a lot," Thor smiles. He's noticed how you always gravitate to be next to Loki, how your eyes always fall on him first when you walk into a room, and the smiles that cover your face anytime you see Loki.

Loki smiles. "So I have a chance?"

"You do, now let's go talk to Barnes. He'll know more about how to help you than I do." Thor gets up off his bed and sets his book on his nightstand. He walks past Loki and out of his room, Loki quickly follows behind him.

The two walk to Bucky's room and knock. "Barnes, it's Thor!"

Bucky opens the door. "Whatcha need?"

"He," Thor says pointing at Loki, "needs your helps with asking out a special someone."

"Ooo! Please say it's Y/n!" He says, practically jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Yes," Loki admits.

"YES! It's about time! Well, you've come to the right guy. I'm an amazing...date planner? A couples coupler? Whatever. I'm the guy you want to help you plan to ask someone out," Bucky responds.

"Yes, well, I have no clue how I should ask Y/n out so give me any ideas you have."

"Of course, we can plan everything from the actual asking out part to the date. Don't worry. Now come in, we have a lot of work to do," Bucky says, guiding Loki and Thor to sit on his bed.

Bucky pulls out the chair at his desk and sits on it backwards. "First order of business, do you want something casual or extravagant like 'I'm going to pay a whole string quartet to serenade you'?"

"Definitely casual, Y/n likes things to be simple."

"That's what I thought, and that makes this whole thing a lot easier. So asking them out, but casually, Thor any thoughts?"

"You could just ask them over dinner? You both usually eat together without the team," Thor proposes.

Loki nods. "That sounds good, but how exactly am I going to do that?"

"You just say, 'Y/n I was wondering if you'd like to get lunch with me one day? Like a date,' it's as simple as that," Bucky answers.

"You make it sound so easy," Loki groans. "It doesn't feel like it would be that simple. This could change everything."

"Okay, think about it this way, your relationship with Y/n doesn't have to change much if you don't want it to. You can still act like you do now, except you both have just acknowledged the romantic feelings you have for each other. Dates can be just like hanging out with a friend. You don't have to fit into the mold of a stereotypical relationship if you don't want to," Bucky explains.


"Yes," Bucky chuckles. "People make romantic relationships seem so stressful and different from platonic relationships when they really don't have to be much different."

"I'd like that a lot more, actually. I like Y/n more than in a friend sense, but I don't want the relationship we have now to change," Loki confesses.

"Then you should be open about that, and discuss it with them. It's important," Bucky says, and Thor nods in agreement.

"So just ask them over dinner, okay. I can do that," Loki says.

"You can do it, brother. I believe in you," Thor announces, smiling.

Loki nods. " Okay, so assuming they say yes, how about the actual date? Is going to the park or a bookstore enough? Or no?"

"Anything you think they'd enjoy is good, but I'd definitely say keep it casual. Especially for the first date. You just want to have fun together," Bucky answers.

"I think they'd like to go to a bookstore. They were complained about finishing their last book the other day. And coffee. Y/n loves coffee."

"Perfect! See, that wasn't so hard. You have it all planned and ready to go!" Bucky encourages.

Loki smiles. "Thank you."

"Anytime Loki," Bucky replies, smiling just as much as Loki.


a/n: can you tell that i love aspec loki?

Wished Away : Loki x neutral!readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang