8. That's who he is. A Liar.

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a/n: i have no clue if this is how Loki's magic works but it's for the plot... sooo, for the time being let's all pretend that magic/seiðr is given to a person


Walking past the living room on your way to get a cookie from the kitchen, you see everyone sitting there talking about something. You quietly walk farther into the room so you can hear them better.

"You don't get a say in this Loki! You tried to take over Earth! The fact that I'm even letting you stay here right now is more than you deserve! I'm only doing it because Thor is my friend, unlike you," Tony says condescendingly.

"I don't get a say in something that concerns me?" Loki spits out. "You are talking about granting me my seiðr back. Which, from the sound of it, you aren't going to."

"They took away your seiðr?" You ask, anger present in your voice. Everyone looks over in surprise at your presence.

"I'm assuming it's a precaution because of 2012? Which was not even Loki's choice! It was Thanos. You do know that right?" You scoff. "You treat him like garbage and I'm sick of it. Loki's entire life has been filled with belittling and lies and all you do is continue the cycle? He doesn't deserve any of it. Loki is just a person; he deserves kindness like the rest of us."

"Y/n, you don't have to-" Loki starts.

"The God of Lies was lied to? How ironic. And you want us to feel bad for him? He's lied to all of us. That's who he is. A liar," Tony says to you.

You were seething. "It's who he is because it's who he was told he had to be. It's what everyone thought of him so what else could he do but become 'Loki the Trickster'. Try and prove his worth? He did! And it never worked. Odin didn't care, and Thor didn't notice because he was too busy being the golden child who everyone loved."

"Brother? Is this true?"

Loki looks away, "...Yes."

Thor's face falls in disappointment. Disappointment in himself. "I... I never would have thought. I didn't know you felt that way, if I had I would have done something. Anything."

"There was nothing you could have done," Loki says, his voice monotone. "Odin wouldn't have allowed it. He would have never let a Jötun be king. Or be anything," Loki continues, spitting out the word 'Jötun' as if it's poison.

"A what?" Sam timidly asks. You and Tony had practically taken over the conversation, only quieting to let Loki and Thor speak. The others felt it wasn't their place to comment.

"Giants. More specifically, a Frost Giant. Barbaric creatures who only know war—Monsters that mothers warn their children about," Loki answers, self hatred audible in his voice.

"A species that Odin demonized. They were just trying to survive and avoid dying in a genocide at Odin's hand," You say. "They could be good people for all we know."

"Or they're exactly what everyone knows them as," Loki spits at you.

"If they are, so what? You don't have to be like them," you tell him before turning back to Steve and Tony. "Loki's seiðr is a part of him, it's like an arm or a leg. For him, it's necessary to his survival. He's been here for five years, hasn't that been enough time to prove that he won't do anything bad?"

"They have a point Tony," Steve says. "Loki has been really good since we got here, even helping us a few times during missions. It's not a bad idea to give him his magic back, he deserves it."

"But what about what he did in 2012, Steve?" Tony pleads looking over at Steve.

"Tony, Let. It. Go. Loki's proved himself enough to us, I think we can trust him," Steve says, sending Tony a warning glare.

"...Fine. But if something going wrong, and he decides to go try claim his spot in the British Monarchy, it's your fault," he says.

Loki trues to hide it, but you see a small smile on his face.

Thor stands up and walks over to Loki, and pats him on the shoulder before taking a small box out of his pocket. "Here, I'm sure you know what to do?"

Loki nods and carefully grabs the box. It's covered in runes. He gently runs his fingers over the engravings, silently whispering to himself. Gently, Loki opens the box and he is immediately surrounded by a soft green glow that quickly disappears soon after.

"Thank you," Loki says softly, looking at you, before retreating back to his room.


a/n: yeehaw it's magic time

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