27. Party Time

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After you finish getting ready for the party, you stop by Loki's room and knock on the open door. You see him standing in front of the mirror trying to tie his tie.

He turns to face you, his tie in disarray. "You look amazing, Y/n," Loki says in awe.

"And you look quite handsome as well, my prince," you reply. "But, let me fix that tie."

"Please, I don't know what I'm doing," he chuckles.

You step closer and grab his tie. Wrapping the bigger side around the small side once and then passing it into the loop and back around the small side, you finish the tie by threading the bigger side through the knot you've created. You gently tighten it on Loki's neck.

"There," you say, stepping back to look over your handiwork. "A simple half-windsor."

"Thank you."

"Anytime. Now, lets go join the others. They're probably waiting for us," you reply, turning to leave his room.

"Actually, I have something for you," Loki says. In a fog of green a bracelet appears in his hand. It's simple band with three dark green leather strips that have been braided together and entwined with a silver chain. As he puts it onto your wrist he continues, "I've enchanted it so if you're ever in trouble, hurt, or lost, anything, you can alert me by tapping it four times and I can come find you."

"Loki.. it's beautiful. I love it, thank you," you say, leaning in to give him a hug. "Okay now we really have to go."

"Okay, okay," he laughs. You both leave his room, Loki grabbing your hand. Walking into the living room you see that everyone is waiting.

"Wow, look at us all looking good," you exclaim.

"I think the word you're looking for is 'sexy'," Tony responds.

"We are very sexy," Pietro agrees. "I mean look at me!" He gestures to his suit; a light blue dress shirt with a gray slacks and blazer set.

"Still look ugly to me," Wanda jokes, hitting him on the back of the head.

"Ouch!" Pietro yelps, rubbing the back of his head.

You look around at everyone.

Wanda is wearing a velvet red dress with long sleeves, and Nat has a form fitting black dress with red accents.

Tony, Bruce, Clint, Steve, and Bucky are both wearing classic black and white tuxedos.

Sam is wearing a red dress shirt tucked into black slacks, Thor is wearing a more causal blue sport coat over a gray button up with black dress pants, and lastly, Vision is wearing a navy turtle neck with gray slacks.

"Okay people, time to get going. We don't want to be late," Tony says.

Everyone piles into a couple cars, you're with Nat, Thor, and Loki again. You give Thor the passenger seat and you sit with Loki in the back.

Nat drives you all to the banquet hall, following Tony's car so she wouldn't get lost. You all arrive there sooner than you expected. Nat finds a parking spot and you four get out of the car and meet up with some of the others.

"Tony, will there be food? Because if not I'm getting back in one of those cars and leaving," Clint 'threatens'.

"I'm sure there's cake and small snacks. There's definitely a bar."

Clint sighs in response. "Thank god, I forgot to eat before we left and I'm starving."

You hand him a granola bar. "Here, I never leave the house without snacks," you smile.

"Y/n you're a life saver," Clint says biting into the bar.

The last group of you all, Wanda, Vision, and Rhodey, walk over.

"Sorry we hit some traffic," Wanda apologizes.

"You're fine, let's go inside then?" Tony asks.

Everyone agrees and you all walk to the doors and go inside. Clint and Pietro head straight to the food table. Tony, Steve, Rhodey, and Bruce go to talk to some of the other guests. And the rest of you sit down at the tables.

"What do you do at these kinds of things," You ask. "I've only been to one middle school dance and it was nothing like this." Memories of the DJ playing 'Apple Bottom Jeans' flash through your mind.

"Usually we sit here and eat, dance a bit, and then leave when Tony wants to. It's pretty boring," Nat tells you.

"So, basically, we sit here and look pretty. Sounds easy enough."

And boring. An hour later you were millimeters away from proving that it is possible to die from boredom.

"Loki save me, I can't take this anymore," you whine.

"Let's go dance then, I can teach you," Loki says, standing up and extending a hand to you. You grab his hand and he guides you to the dance floor. "Okay put one hand on my shoulder the other on my waist, like that. Perfect. And then we sway back and forth."

"That's it?"

"Yes," he chuckles. "Unless you want me to teach you the waltz, which no one else here is doing."

"No, nope. This is perfect. Perfect and simple."

You two stand there and dance to a couple songs before going back to your table.

"If Clint and Pietro ate all of the food I'm going to kill them," you say, walking to go get a slice of pie.

You walk back to the table with a slice of pie, and sit down. "It appears they get to live another day," you announce.

"That's my best friend you're threatening," Nat playfully warns.

"And my brother," Wanda says.

"Hey, hey, I said if. They didn't, so they live," you shrug.

Everyone falls silent and goes back to observing the room or slowly consuming all of the food provided.

"Love, I'm going to step outside. Get some fresh air," Loki says tapping your shoulder.

"Alrighty, I'll probably join you in a few," You smile.

He gives you a quick peck on the lips before he walks to an exit and goes outside.

"You two are cute together," Wanda says.

"Thanks," you respond, blushing.

"You really are, it seems so simple between you two. Just like a more serious friendship, I like that. Your relationship didn't change much when you started dating," Nat says. "If I wanted a relationship, I think I would want something like that."

Before you could respond, Tony walks over. "People are beginning to leave and we don't want to be the last to go."

Everyone nods and stands up.

"Okay, I'm going to go tell Loki. Don't leave us behind Nat."

"Leave without you? Okay got it," Nat says sarcastically.

You walk to the exit and step outside. "Loki!" you call out to him, "Everyone is getting ready to leave."

He turns around to face you, smiling, but his face quickly falls as his eyes settle in horror on your hand. "Y/n..."

You raise your arm to look at your hand and see that it's glowing green. Your fingers appear to be fading away. "Loki?"

He takes a step towards you, his face shadowed in worry. Before he could get close enough to grab you, you get dragged by some invisible force. It feels like there's a rope is tied around your torso and it's being pulled backwards.

"LOKI!" you yell, reaching your rapidly fading hand out to him. Loki chases after you but you're being pulled back too quickly.

When you're just out of his reach, you fade away completely. The last thing you see is Loki falling to his knees in misery, looking like he's given up completely. And then it all disappears as well.


a/n: hi

Wished Away : Loki x neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now