12. A Strange Visitor

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You're sitting on the couch reading the last of A Midsummer's Night Dream and eating grapes, when an orange portal shows up and the one and only Dr. Strange walks through, urgently looking around.

"What do you need Magic Mike?" Tony asks looking away from the coffee machine to look at Strange.

"I'm investigating, something felt... off," he answers.

"Would you say it was a strange feeling?" Pietro jokes, laughing to himself.

"Oh fuck, I forgot that you're American," you exclaim. "And that fourth wall break was really uncalled for."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Strange asks. His eyes narrow, "Who even are you?"

"Aren't you supposed to know everything? You are the Sorcerer Supreme, right?" you say.

"I am but that doesn't make me some benevolent, all-knowing god," He responds.

"Understandable. I'm Y/n, I'm from a different timeline-"

"Different timeline?! That must be it! You're messing with the timeline, I can feel it."

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch a word you said. I'm still getting over your American accent. It shocks me every time," you apologize.

"Am I not American in your timeline?" Strange asks, tilting his head.

"Nope. You're British, and an actor named Benedict. He plays you in movies," you tell him. "You're kind of a fictional character."

"We'll talk about that later... there's more important things to deal with right now. How did you get here?"

"Not sure to be honest. I just kind of woke up here," you shrug.

"You just... 'woke up' here?"

"Yeah. Crazy, I know," you say, attempting to throw a grape in your mouth but missing. "Oh! You know what would be absolutely devastating to the fourth wall? If you met Everett Ross!" you exclaim.

"Who?" Strange asks.

"Not that guy again," Bucky groans. "Last time I saw him he tried to arrest me."

"Yeah, how about we avoid people that might try and arrest one of us...," Steve says.

"Fine," you pout.

"...So you just showed up, and now you're here, and where you're from we are all fictional characters?" Strange says, sounding very confused.

"Correct! Now, tell me, are you a Sherlock Holmes fan?" you ask, eating another grape.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just answer the question."

"...Yes, isn't everyone?" Strange answers causing you to start hysterically laughing.

"You—I can't believe it—This is amazing," you laugh, your train of thought getting cut off by your own laughter.

Once you calm down, Sam asks, "Why is that so funny?"

"Because Benedict—Strange's actor—plays Sherlock Holmes in modern day adaptation," you answer.

"Who plays Watson?" Strange asks.

You smile. "Everett Ross' Actor."

"Is that why you wanted us to meet?"

"Yes." You eat the last of your grapes and get up to put the bowl in the sink. "Also, I just like how you live at 117A Bleecker Street, and Sherlock and John live in 221B Baker Street. One of life's little coincidences."

"Coincidences aren't usually coincidences, life is rarely so lazy," Strange mutters.

You quickly turn your head to face him. "You did not just say that. What secrets do you know?"

Strange puts his hands up in surrender. "I studied time and how it behaves, I know how coincidences work."

"That's a suspicious answer, but I'll let it slide for now," you reply.

Strange's phone rings and he picks it up. "Wong? Mhmm... What?! Okay I'll be right there," he speaks into the phone before hanging up. "I gotta blast, if anything comes to mind or if anything weird happens, call me."

Strange opens a portal and steps through, leaving you all standing around awkwardly. Slowly, everyone disperses and goes back to what they were doing previously. You had 5 pages left of the play and you were looking forward to talking about it with Loki over dinner tonight.


a/n: estoy muy cansado

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