18. Date Night

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"Hey, Y/n?" Loki says knocking on your door.

"Come in Lokes!"

He opens the door and sees you laying on your bed reading The Princess Bride. "I have to ask you something, if that's alright?"

"Of course! What's your question?" you say, putting a bookmark in the book and setting it down beside you.

"I, uh, was wondering if maybe, you would like to go out? As in a date, with me? Would you?" Loki stutters. His words were getting caught in his nerves.

Your eyes widen. "A date?"

"You don't have to say yes-" Loki back tracks.

"Of course I would! I'm just surprised, is all," you quickly clear up.

Loki lets out a breath. "Oh thank the Norns, I was worried for a second. Does noon-ish tomorrow sound good?"

"It sounds perfect! I'll be looking forward to it!" you smile.

"Great, great! Thank you Y/n," Loki replies, smiling as well.

In almost the blink of an eye, tomorrow arrives and you're ready for your date. You still can't believe Loki wants to go on a date with you.

You sit at a barstool in the kitchen and sip at a Caprisun.

"Are you ready?" Loki asks from behind you.

You turn around and see him. He looks amazing. A dark green, almost emerald, button down over a pair of black jeans.

"Yup," you answer.

You take the elevator down to the ground floor and exit out onto the sidewalk.

"So what's the plan?" you ask.

"Well, I was thinking, we make a quick stop at a coffee shop then I take you to a place," Loki says

Chuckling, you ask, "What place?"

"It's a surprise."

You two walk to the coffee shop, side by side, talking about whatever crosses your minds. You arrive before you know it and you go inside and order, and once you receive your drinks, you leave almost at soon as you came.

Loki pulls you down the sidewalk, maneuvering past other pedestrians.

"Are you going to finally tell me where we are going?" you chuckle.

"No. You'll just have to wait and see," he answers, turning his head around to smile at you. Loki continues to drag you down the sidewalk before stopping in from of a tiny used bookstore.

"Here! I was thinking that you could help me find some books to add to the library?" He asks, smiling you.

"Yes! As long as we don't get too many. I don't want to have to carry them back to the tower."

"There isn't such a thing as too many books."

"But when you have to carry back 17 bo-"

"Don't worry about that, darling. I have magic, remember?" Loki chuckles.

"Okay, if you say so..."

You both walk into the bookstore, the bell above the door ringing. The smell of old books fills your nose and you take a deep breath.

For the next hour and a half, you two sifted through about a third of the entire store. Between you both, you found about 25 books total.

"Shall we go purchase these?" Loki asks once you get all the books in one place.

"Yup, I think if we stay here for any longer we might end up buying the whole store."

"And I think you'd be right, darling," He smiles.

You each take a stack of books to the cashier. "Is that all for you today?"

You sheepishly smile, "We have a few more books to bring up, sorry."

"Well, I get started on ringing these ones up for you then."

After a few more rounds of grabbing books and bringing them to the front, finally you finish and you're ready to pay. The cashier, looking slightly concerned but overall giddy to ring up such a large purchase, quickly scans the last few books and you and Loki go on your way, a bag or two in each of your hands.

"What are we going to do about this Lokes?" you ask, looking down at the bags.

He smiles, "This."

Loki shifts a bag into his left hand to free his right. He swipes his hand through the air, and the bags disappear in a green smoke. "Pocket dimension. They'll be there for us to retrieve when we get back home."

"Awesome," you say in awe. His magic never ceases to amaze you.

Loki smiles at your praise, his cheeks turning into a faint red. "So, would you say this date was a success then?"

"Absolutely," you grin. "A huge success." You felt content, and you never wanted this moment to end.


a/n: for those of you reading this through from the beginning as a completed fic, consider this a rest stop. take a break. go eat something—doesn't matter how small—drink some water, and go to bed if it's nighttime. come back to it tomorrow, it will still be here. please take care of yourself, this is a long fic

for those reading as this is currently updating, this is a little past the halfway point. 15 chapters left-
(also you should go eat and drink some water as well, and please sleep if it's after 12am)

Wished Away : Loki x neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now