29. To Be Happy and Healthy

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~Five Months Ago~

It's overwhelming when you can hear everything, see everything, all at once. It can make it hard to focus, to drown out all the other noise and try and pay attention to one thing. One person.

It takes Heimdall a lot of effort to block it out. He can do it, but it's never been something that comes easily to him.

Until right now. For a few seconds everything quiets and he's focused on a whisper. A whisper that's coming from someone not in this world.

"I wish to be in the MCU."

Heimdall doesn't know what it means, but at the same time he knows exactly what it means. He just heard someone wish to be here. He doesn't know why he heard it—he shouldn't even be able to—so he tries to do something he didn't know he could do. Grant their wish.

~Present Day~

Loki walks up three flights of stairs to the roof after the elevator stops on the 98th floor. He adjusts his backpack and looks up to the sky.

"Heimdall, take me to Asgard." Shortly after, a bright rainbow light crashes down right where he is and disappears leaving behind a burnt runic design.

The Bifrost takes him straight to Heimdall who stands guard for Asgard at the end of the realm.

"Loki," Heimdall nods.

"I came here to talk to you."

"I know." Heimdall removes the sword closing the Bifrost, and walks to Loki.

"Where is Y/n?"

"I can't see them. My sight only stretches to the ends of our world," he sighs.

"Then do you know what brought them here?" Loki asks, grasping at straws. He thought Heimdall would be able to see you. At the very least, Loki needed to know if you were okay. He could manage with that.

"I did."

"What? How?"

"You know as little as I do. At that moment, I just... could. This is a question better suited for the All-Mother's expertise."

"Mother? But she- She's dead, Heimdall," Loki says firmly.

"To common knowledge, yes. To some, no. Odin is as much in the dark as the rest of Asgard's population. I will tell you where she is."

Heimdall acquires a map and marks out the journey for Loki.

"You will find her if you follow this path. It may take a few days, but it'll be worth it for the answers you seek. Good luck."

Loki traveled across Asgard for two days to get to Frigga. Most of the time he spent processing that his mother was still alive. He thought he killed her—albeit, inadvertently.

On the third day, right after dawn, he reaches a small wooden hut on the edge of a forest. It sits across from a well kept garden filled with fruits and vegetables, and a small lake abundant with fish. His mother may not be living as a queen anymore but she appears to be living well.

Loki gently knocks on the door.

When he got no answer he decided to shout through the door. "Mother, it's me. Loki."

The door swings open, "Loki?" Frigga immediately pulls him into a hug. "How did you find me?"

"Heimdall," Loki answers. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Frigga says pulling away from the hug. She wipes away a stray tear from Loki's face before pulling him inside. "Tell me what I've missed."

Loki tells her everything. From faking his death to get away from Asgard, to making a deal with the Avengers so he could stay with them, and to you.

Once Loki stops, Frigga sighs. "There's more. You wouldn't have come all this way, especially since you are still dead in Odin's eyes, just to catch up. What happened Loki?"

"Y/n, they, uh, disappeared. They faded away right in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do," Loki stops and takes a shaky breath. "This sorcerer on Midgard says it was a reversal spell. It makes sense because, as you know, Heimdall is the one who brought them here."

"And you want me to help you get them back?" Frigga says, getting up and putting their empty tea cups in her kitchen.


She sits back down, and puts her hand over his go comfort him. "Loki, I'm going to say something you don't want to hear but you need to hear."

He nods.

"We can't do anything but wait. Fate brought them here—it allowed Heimdall to hear them, to grant their wish—and it will bring them back. Connections to others worlds like this only happen every couple hundred years and they rarely start in our world. The connection isn't here, it's where Y/n is. The magic needed to find them, the correct Y/n, and bring them back doesn't exist except in these small bursts of Fate."

"But what if they don't come back," he whispered. "What if they can't?"

"Then you cherish the love you got, and live your days with your head up," Frigga wipes Loki's tears and gently pushes his chin up, "and with a smile on your face. And remind yourself that they wouldn't want you to get stuck on their absence forever and miss life by simply existing and not living. They'd want you happy and healthy."

Loki stays with her a few more days, and they spend their time gardening and cooking. Eventually though, she forces him to go back to New York and ease his friends worrying.

He journeys back to the Bifrost, and Heimdall sends him to the tower's rooftop with a smile. Loki goes down to the main floor, and everyone turns their head at the elevators ding.

"I'm back."


a/n: honestly, i didn't even plan to include frigga in this. it just sorta happened as i was writing

Wished Away : Loki x neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now