16. Cheese Cubes and Free Food

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At 10 p.m. you walk across the hall to Loki's room and knock at their door. "Put on something fancy, we're going out!" you yell.

"What?! Where?" they ask, opening the door.

"It's a surprise, now get dressed—something nice," you sing. You were already dressed and wearing the fanciest clothes you had.

"Okay... this better be worth it Y/n. I'll be done in just a few," Loki says, closing their door.

You really hope Loki is going to enjoy what you have planned. They seem to like "classical" things, like art and theatre, so you decided to take them to an art gallery. Something simple.

After fifteen minutes, Loki walks out into the hallway wearing a simple black and white suit. They look really good.

"I didn't have anything so I conjured this from Clint closet. Does it look alright?"

"You look amazing!" you compliment. "Now let's get going, the place opens in an less than an hour." You grab their arm and drag them to an elevator, and once you get inside you hit the garage button.

The garage is overwhelming. Tony has a lot of cars. Anything from muscle cars—even a Formula-1 car—to SUVs. You decide to pick a Volkswagen.

"Where are we going again?" Loki asks once you two get in the car.

"An art gallery. It's a new artist so it won't be too busy, but since we aren't actually going to buy their art we'll help convince other people to," you say, leaning over your seat to back the car up.

"And we do that, how?"

"People are more likely to buy art if they know more people like it, so kind of through peer pressure. We'll walk around—eat some cheese cubes along the way—and pretend to be talking to each other about the painting. How's that sound?" you ask, looking over at them. You were barely even out of the garage, and if Loki didn't like the idea, you could park the car and stay here.

"Sounds fun," they answer.

"Great!" you smile, "We'll be there in around thirty minutes."

Once you get there, you two walk in and each grab one of the pamphlets about the artwork and the artist.

"Ooo, look Loki, there's a table with food," you whisper. "I guess we get more than cheese cubes."

For the next hour you two walk around and mostly end up talking about the paintings.

Loki was happy. Not because of the art—they do like the paintings—but they were mostly smiling at your excitement. You look so happy.

You both decide to keep going back to this one painting, which causes a small group to form around it. It's the first to sell when the bidding starts.

The artist sells all but two of their paintings. Everyone slowly begins to leave after the bidding and you and Loki head back to your car.

"Ugh," you groan. "I think I ate at least three platters worth of cheese cubes. That's one platter too much. Those triangle sandwiches didn't help either."

"I told to stop," Loki chuckles. "But you insisted there wasn't such a thing as 'too many cheese cubes'."

"Well, you were right Lokes. There is such a thing as too many cheese cubes," you say.

You start the car drive back to the tower, and park the car before going back to your rooms.

"I had a lot of fun with you tonight," Loki says, when you stop at your room.

"I had a lot of fun with you too, we should do something like this again," you smile.

They mod, "We should. Goodnight Y/n."

"Goodnight Loki," you say, as you walk into your room and close your door.

Loki walks to their own room, smiling to themself. They think they really like you.


a/n: mmm cheese cubes. little tesseracts made of cheese. tasty.

Wished Away : Loki x neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now