22. Bored Games

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"I'm so bored," Sam groans.

Sounds of agreement come from everyone. You even heard Clint from the vents saying, "Same". You pick your head off Loki's chest looking around before stopping at Tony. "Ironass, do you have any board games?"

"Maybe, I dunno. I know we have playing cards and I think Peter might have left one of his silly card games," he answers.

"Perfect! Anyone wanna play BS with me?"

"BS?" Loki asks. "What's that?"

"Oh, you'll love it Lokes! BS stands for 'bullshit'. The premise of the whole game is basically lying, a lot."

"That's no fair, Y/n," Rhodey whines. "Loki and Nat are PROS at lying. He's, well, Loki and she's a former spy. None of us stand a chance."

"You won't know until you try, Rhodey," you reply. "Stank, gimme the cards and then we can start. Who's playing?"

"I'll play," Bucky says. "Anything is better than being bored."

"I'll play, but I'll sit out the first round to watch," Bruce smiles.

"Great, so, everyone sit in a circle on the floor. Steeb, I understand old age isn't good on your back so you can get a pillow," you instruct. "So since there's 13 of us we each get 4 cards. The goal is to finish your cards first. The way you do that is the first oilers on who puts down a card puts down all the ones they have, the second puts all their twos, and so on."

"Wait, what if you don't have the card you're supposed to put down?" Pietro asks.

"That's the fun part! You lie," you answer. "And if someone calls your bluff by saying 'BS' you take all the cards in the pile. If you weren't lying and someone said 'BS' they take all the cards. Last thing, if you lie on a turn and no one calls it, on the next players turn, you say 'popcorn' to indicate that you were lying. Is everyone ready?"

"I think so...," Steve says.

"Okay, I'll go first. One one," you say putting down a card. "Lokes you go next."

"One two."

"Um...two threes," Wanda says.

"Popcorn," Loki smirks.

"Oh! I knew it!" Clint exclaims.

"My then?" Pietro asks and you nod yes. "Um...four fours."

"Oh BS Pietro!" Wanda calls. "I literally have a four."

"Shit," Pietro says picking up the pile in the center.

Everyone plays a few rounds before tiring of the game. Loki and Nat were always one of the first to finish, but Thor did catch some one Loki's lies in a couple rounds.

"Well, that was fun, but I'm bored again," Sam says.

"Same," Clint groans.

Tony gets up, and stretches, before walking to a table and opening the drawer. "Well, Peter left 'Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza'."

"I LOVE THAT GAME!" Bucky yells.

"Of course Peter has that game," you says. "That's a very Peter game."

"You have that game in your world as well?" Bruce asks. "Interesting."

"Yeah, it's great. I used to play it a lot in Highschool," you answer.

"I think a world without TCGCP is a world not worth living in," Bucky adds.

"Okay...so no explanation is needed for the rules then? We all know how to play it?" Tony asks, trying to move past Bucky's over enthusiasm.

Everyone confirms, and you all begin playing. But, after some bruises and a slight headache from all the yelling, the game play ceases and everyone goes to bed.


a/n: fun fact! this is the last chapter i have written for this book (it's 9-Apr-2022)

taco cat goat cheese pizza is a real game and really fun btw! i play it nearly everyday with some of my friends

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