32. King Loki

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He looks older, and tired. He dresses differently, a bit more showy than elegant. He's wearing a fur lined coat and a golden crown.

You'll admit, it hurts to see his face again. Even if he didn't look the same. It was still him. Still Loki.

"You're not my Loki, are you?"

"That obvious?" Loki shrugs. "I'm still Loki, just a future version of Loki. A future that you've destroyed, and I want to know how."

"So you're King Loki?"

"I've been called that, yes. Though, I prefer just Loki," he says waving his hand, which makes you notice the black nail polish he's wearing.

"So tell me Loki, what's the future like?" You ask, going back to making your tea.

"I wouldn't turn your back on me if i were you, mortal," Loki growls.

"Well, you're not going to kill me before you get your answers, are you? And I'm willing to trust you," You turn your head back, smiling at him before going back to setting up the kettle.

"I'm untrustworthy," he hisses. "I've broken the trust if everyone who's ever trusted me. Including, my own brother, on numerous occasions."

"Oh, I'm sure you have Lokes," you chuckle. "Now, are you going to ask me questions or would you rather help me cook the ravioli I got from a can? Which will it be, your highness?"

"Do you mock me?"

"Yep! Now ask away, I'm getting bored."

"How did you do it?" He sighs. "Make me turn good? I'm not a good person, never have been. It's not easy to make the God of Lies not evil."

"You know you don't have to be the God of Lies? You don't have to live in the box that Odin and Frigga created for you. It's not an obligation, or a requirement. It's a choice. And you're allowed to choose not to."

Loki's eyes narrow and he stays silent for a few seconds before responding, "What if I choose to be evil?"

"Then, okay. There's nothing I can do. But if your anything like my Loki-"

"I am 'Your Loki'"

"-Then you didn't choose to be a villian," you finish, ignoring Loki's interruption.

He looks to his left. "So, what if you're right?"

"Then you've spent your life being someone you're not. Which is okay, a lot of us do. Plenty of people don't realize their passion, their gender, whatever, until there older. They feel like they've missed out and wasted so much of their time because they didn't realize sooner. It's always 'What if I had known sooner?' and not 'What can I do now that I know?'," You say pouring two cans of cold ravioli into a pot.

Loki looks back at you. "That smells gross," He says, his nose scrunching up.

"Food that doesn't expire for years usually doesn't smell that appetizing. Tastes alright though," You shrug. "Now I have a question, if you'll allow it?"

"If you must," Loki says rolling his eyes.

"Were you the one who brought me back here?"

"Yes. To ensure the future, but... it was too late. You'd already changed it."

A tear falls into the slowly cooking tomato sauce. You quickly wipe the one that falls after it. "So, am I stuck here? Or is there a way back?"

"There is a way back, yes."

"Well, what is it?" You ask urgently, turning around to look at him.

"You're looking at it," Loki smirks.

"You're my only way back? I should have known," you scoff. "Let me guess, you're not going to do it?"

"I was rethinking it, actually," he playfully snaps.

"Why?" Your faces scrunches in confusion. Why would he take you back?

"Because even if I wouldn't be able to benefit from his happiness, I think at least one Loki deserves it."

"That's very thoughtful of you."

"Oh, shut up. You know what, on second thought. I'm not sending you back," He says sarcastically, getting up and pretending to leave.

"Loki wait, please," You say, stepping towards him.

"Kidding, I'm kidding. I'll send you back whenever you're ready." Loki walk back and stands in front of you instead of sitting down again.

You can't stop yourself from hugging him. "Thank you Loki." You pull away from the hug. "I'm ready now."

"Alright. And, Y/n, thank you for your kindness," He smiles.

"Anytime," You say smiling back.

He nods, and then snaps his fingers. You disappear in a fog of green smoke.

Still in your now empty apartment, Loki sits down and pours the tea you left behind down the sink. He turns off the stove and then sits on your couch. He falls asleep with a smile on his face, before disappearing as well.


a/n: the black nail polish
he was wearing the fingerless gloves as well. basically the agent of asgard outfit, just older and more greasy-

Wished Away : Loki x neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now