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I had been waiting outside the airport for a good 40 minutes waiting for an uber to take me to the university accommodation.

After another 5 minutes i see it approaching me. I hop in and sit relaxed in the back seat. The car smelt fresh and made me feel like a new person. In a new city.

After driving for 25 minutes due to busy traffic we come across a big building. The accommodation looks fancy and big and its filled with people sitting ouside under the burning sun.

"My names tara hansen" i reply smiling back

"Okay darling your room number is 746 your roommates are jessica and stephanie " she replies handing me the keys, thought i think you were told about this stuff" she giggles handing me a set of keys.

"Thankyou" i said walking in the direction of the stairs trying to attach my dorm key to my bundle of my keys.

Ive only got my house key from home with me and i got a tonne of keyrings so it was a big struggle.


I walked into the room that had been divided
between 3
Two of the sides were already decorated.
theres a bed with green blankets and pillows and another with pink blankets and pillows along with random posters and polaroids around the room with fairy lights everywhere.

My boxes were sat on the plain side of the room i guess its my turn to decorate.

Its been about 4 hours of unrested decorating, im sweaty and tired and im so excited to sleep, i stand and admire my area with the creme coloured fluffy blankets and pillows, i hopped into the shower and eventually got ready for bed .
I put on a tank top and green plaid pyjama bottoms aswell as putting on some moisturiser and then went to sleep.

Unfortunately i woke up. It was dark and i could tell i slept well due to the warm comfy sensation in my body, the lines on my arms from where i rested my head also gave it away.

2 girls walked into the room...

"Heyy you must be tara its so good to finally meet you"she squeals speeding over to where i was laying, i sit up and without hesitation she pulls me in for a hug".

"Yeah heyy" i say smiling

"im steph and this is jessica" steph says pointing at jess.

"hi tara" jess says placing bags down on one of the beds,.

"I know its last minute but do you wanna come out with us later we are going to meet the boys then go out to the beach it would be a good way to get to know youu" jess says releasing me

"Yeah sure" i say with hesitation "so whos the boys" i question.

"Okay so basically we hang out with some boys its kind of like our friend group but more because im dating one of them" jess says smiling

You have vinnie - he is tall mean and he doesnt like really anyone he gets into alot of fights and sleeps with loads of chicks (youve been warned) she winks

-youve hugo he is nice when he gets to know you so trust the progress(i think he likes steph) she wispers to me smirking at me, steph looks over with a glare that indicates she wants to know more

-and you have my favourite, my boyfriend jaxon who is beautiful and charming obviously " jess says grinning

"Ooo" i tease stretching up out of bed

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