∙8∙ (𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 2)

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Taras pov:

After i cleaned up vinnie i went to bed and he went to his. The sun was beaming through the curtains shining over the massive room. I put on my slippers and went down to find the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I walked into one of the many rooms, and there was a long dinner table, with a people i didnt know sat around it. Vinnies mum madelyn started to approach me smiling.

"Hey sweetie would you like to join us for breakfast, the others should be down soon" madelyn said putting her arm around me and directing me to a seat.

"This is pete, vinnies father" she points at the man across the table, he gave me a dirty look and went back to eating his eggs.

"Help yourself dear" she smiles before walking away to her seat opposite pete.

I put some sausages and bacon on my plate aswell as an egg. I ate my food awkwardly in silence with vinnies parents.

"Heyyy" a tall man said taking a seat next to me

"Im scar" he said reaching out for a hand shake,

i felt rude if I didnt shake his hand, so i did.

"Good morning darling" madelyn said smiling.

"Ah well how are you" scar replied grabbing some bacon.

They were all talking and i just shoved the food into my mouth trying to hurry up so i could leave. I kept seeing pete staring at me from the corner of my eye. It kinda creeped me out, i hate pete already and i dont even know him but he hurt my vinnie, shit i mean he is anyones vinnie

"Morning" vinnie said in his sleepy deep voice, making the thoughts disappear from my head.

Madelyn instantly got up and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Awh my vincent, growing up so fast" she leads him to the table and he sits on the other side of me. I feel intimidated sitting between 2 tall boys who also happened to look pretty intimidating.

"Vincent why did you bring one of your whores here" pete spat staring right at me.

Vinnie just ignored him, pulling my chair closer to his. He put his hand on my thigh and i gasp at the sudden burst of butterflies in my stomach.

"Vincent dont ignore me" pete slammed his fists on the old oak table.

Vinnie stood up and pulled me up with him.

"Come on princess" he said grabbing my hand and walking me out of the dining room.

"Im sorry, about youre dad and everything" vinnie whispered in a sympathetic tone

"Its okay vincent" i giggled hugging him.

"Hey sorry to interrupt but petes got the shipments coming so you can leave sir." A random man said walking away


It was time to leave and everyone was saying there goodbyes, madelyn came over to me and pulled me away from the others.

"Sweetie i can see something between you and my vincent and when it sparks please take care of my baby he has been through alot and he may seem like he doesnt care but he does" she kissed me cheek and walked me to the car.

"Hey vinn, jaxon said i have to come with you guys because apparently im to annoying" he groaned stepping into the passengers seat.

"Whatever but you sit in the back. Tara sits there" he smirked holding the door.

I giggled stepping into the passenger seat and buckling up my seat belt.

"So princess how are you" hugo smiled buckling his seat belt.

"Don't call her that, shit face only i get to call her that. Call her something else" vinnie scowled at hugo clenching his jaw.

"Ok tarzan how are you" he chuckled "you see what i did there tar-a - tarzan" he stopped laughing when he saw the angry expression appearing on vinnies face

"Sorry bro ill stop talking" hugo mumbled.

"Vincent can i turn on the radio" i giggled.

I think its cute his family call him vincent, i mean i like calling him vinnie but its funny watching him get agitated every time i call him vincent .

"Its not funny, and because your being a smart ass no music." He smirks

"Oh please vincent i wont talk to you" i replied smirking back

"Good, youd be doing me a favour" he laughed.

Me and hugo gasped, we sat in complete silence untill i turned on the radio, before vinnie could say anything i blocked the radio controls with my hand so he couldn't turn it off.
And because i felt like it i didnt talk to vinnie the whole ride home.


We all went to the boys house because it was closer and we were all tired from the long car ride.
I begged hugo to order pizza and he finally gave in when he realised there was no food in the house.

"Tarzan what pizza do you want" he said avoiding eye contact with Vinnie, who was standing right next to me.

"Hmm can i have a pepperoni one please" i grin

"Ok i think i have asked everyone" he mumbles looking around the room "yup thats it" he finishes the order and hangs up the phone.

We were all on the sofas. Vinnie led down and used my thighs as pillows, jess and jaxon were kissing and hugo was playing slapsies with steph.

I was still holding the no talk grudge against him, i havent said a word to vinnie since the car ride and if im  honest i think he misses my beautiful voice. Im pretty sure i was the only one really interested in the film, i was playing with vinnies hair but i was still paying attention.

I stopped playing with vinnies hair and attempted to get up so i could get a drink but he stopped me by holding onto me.

"Please keep playing with my hair" he pouted.

I sighed and continued playing with his hair. Im surprised he said please he rarely ever uses his manners, he is such an odd boy but its one of the many things i like about him.
Vinnie's new instagram is up go follow it :


Thankyouu for reading my book i hope you like it so far.

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