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"Hii maya"

Adhi's piercing eyes didnt leave hers as he took hold of her hands and pulled her towards him.

Maya was too shocked to react but when his hands touched her waist it was like someone dumped a bucket of cold water on top of her head. She pushed away from him and looked at him in shock the same way she looked at him that day.

The ticket checker rushed towards their side and started shouting at him

"What are you doing young man? You're molesting this girl??? How dare you do such a vile thing.." he started cursing in hindi, most of which she didnt even understand.

But adhi took hold of maya's hand again and started laughing.

"Molest her? What are you saying sir?? Why would i molest her she's my wife."

Her eyes widened so hard that they harbored the possibility of rolling out of her sockets.

Whattttttt??? Since when am i his wife ??

Maya shouted in her head.

Clearly he was going somewhere with this act but she could buy sometime with this act until preethy gets here with the ticket. Preethy hasnt seen the voice  msg yet , she could just delete it.

So maya said in a saccharine voice
"You dont need to worry sir. He wasnt molesting me."

She didnt say he was her husband. She couldn't. It was too painfull even as a lie.

"Ohh okay. I got scared. We get so many perverts in trains. Men these days just cant keep it in their pants!!"

Maya chuckled "Aint that the truth"

Adhi's hand tightened around hers.
She turned her arms slowly so that she could pinch him but the checkers shrill voice beat her to it.

"May i see you tickets please?"

Maya froze. Dread spread through her. She hasnt been this scared unless that time she lied to her mom about taking a shower when she hadnt.

Adhi sensed her fear and loosened his hand around her. His other arm when to  his pocket and took out two tickets.

Two? Who was he travelling with?

Was it a girl?

Whoa.......where did that come from??

Why do you care if its a girl or not.....after everything hes done.

Maya quieted her inner conflict and and mustered the courage to look at him.

He was looking at the checker head held up high and confident.
His confidence alwas fascinated her. But she couldnt afford to make that mistake again.

She pushed away from him and stood with her arms crossed.
The checker scribbled something on the ticket and handed it back to adhi.

"Thank you mr and mrs sankar"

She frowned on the mrs tag. But adhi was grinning so wide she could count his teeth.

"Thank you sir"

She walked past him into the coupa.

Adhi pulled out his phone and started calling someone. Probably the person whose ticket it was.

He saved me.

Why did he do that?

And that ticket must have been of a girl's.

That is propably  why the checker didnt pry further.

Huh... once a playboy always a playboy.

She went and sat opposite the deaf lady who was now reading a sophie kinsella book. Good taste in books maam.

She also took her phone and deleted the voice message she sent to preethy. And the typed a long apology message for troubling her and telling her about the situation she is just in.

His voice boomed beside her.
"So typical of you maya. No thankyou? No why did you do it i didnt need your help?"

She turned towards him with narrowed eyes. He raised  his eyebrows in question.

"Nothing to say.. wifey?"

He dropped his voice to a whisper which brought chills to her.

" Do not call me that" maya hissed through her gritted teeth.

Adhi smiled like he won a lottery. "There she is. There's the self centered maya i know"

What.the.hell.did.he say.

"EXCUSE ME. What did you just call me?"

"You heard me" he looked at her challengingly.
Like a cat playing with its pray. She was not falling for that trap.

"You know what Adhitya for a minute i actually thought"she started chuckling "that you might have changed. But i changed my mind you are still that arrogant prick i met in college"

"The arrogant prick whom you fell for.."

"I regret it in my every breathing second" she lied.

His face crumbled.So many emotions  flashed through his face.

Anger, shame, challenge but most of all Pain.

But it only lasted a second. His recoil was faster than a lamborghini.

"Atleast you admitted that you fell for me. Thank god you didnt forget."

  Maya pushed up from the seat and walked towards the door then turned back halfway to face him.

"Betrayal is pretty hard to forget adhitya. I remember everything... Everything"

Without waiting for his reaction she slid opened the door and stepped out.

Walked towards the door of the train and stood there. She let the cold wind on her face calm her but it didnt work.

The wind blew apart her perfectly wrapped scarf in to a mess.

While arranging it  her fingers touched the scar again.

There was no.stopping the blast from the past now.

She thought before drifting in to her thoughts.

So how do you like this chapter??

We are slowly proggressing in to the main story. It will be a slow transformation. Because i wanted to establish maya and adhi's relationship before the main story line kicks in.

(I wanted to clarify something also. In indian railway system the tickets doesnt have names printed on them it only has seat numbers. The names are printed out as a list and pasted outside the train bogee with respectuve seat numbers. Also the tickets are not checked before a person boards the train it iss checked by a ttr who walks through all compartments and check each tickets usually after the train starts moving.)

The next chapter will be the flashback featuring them in college.

So make sure to write down your valuable comments.




Toodles 💋💋

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