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The horn of the train brought her back from the bitter path to her past.

The cool breeze from the door of the train dropped down a degree. Maya shivered in the cold. She wrapped the scarf around her arms shielding herself but the cold breeze was too strong.

She didnt want to go back to her cabin. Knowing that adhi was waiting there. The trip down memory lane only ingnited her rage towards him.

But the cold forced her to go back. She walked towards the coupa and slowly slid the door open.

She poked her head in and saw adhi sprawled across the berth with his hands over his eyes. His chest rising and falling with equal rhythm.

Maya slowly slid across the coupa and settles down on her berth. The deaf lady had occupied the upper berth. Which left her lying stright across him.

Maya buried herself under the blanket and sighed.Sleep came to her soon and before she drifted into the land of dreams she glanced at the man across her once more.

Adhi's pov

She hates me. She should hate me. What i did to her it doesnt deserve any forgiveness. There is nothing short of disgust in those amber eyes for me.

Still seeing her today made something flip in my heart. But she was different. Cold.

My maya was anything but the women sleeping across me. She was warm and full of light. She was my sunshine. But it makes sense that she is the way she is now.

When i met her in college it was like a blessing. A streak of sunshine into the darkness of my life. She was the only thing that made me happy.

My life started going down the highway to hell when my asshole of a father decided to walk out of our life. The moment he decided to cheat on my mom, he was dead to me.

When we were suffering to pay our rent he was getting married and having a child. Although the only good thing about it is Arya.

When we reached the brink of suicide is when arjun took things over. He became the man of the family. Quit his studies and worked as a mere mechanic to keep us fed. Even mom started working. They wouldn't let me work even when i begged them to.

Then came NLU. Law was never my passion before. But when i saw my dad taking everything we should  have by right leaving my mom and us penniless thats when i decided i would pursue law. The law couldnt help us because the lawyers twisted it to their account. That would never happen again. Law would never harm us again atleast not when we're not guilty.

Getting into NLU was not easy. Even when i studied hard and tried twice on the entrance i couldnt get in. I almost lost hope. Thats when a smily faced mom said that she had arranged the admission for me. I knew it wasnt the right way. 

But the thing i didnt expect is how she arranged that seat. How the principal of my college came out of my mothers bedroom half naked. When i understood what my mother did for me..... it was too much. I couldn't take the pressure of the generosity.

It resulted in me trying hang from the ceiling fan. If only arjun didnt find me i wouldn't have been living this miserable life. I wouldn't have lived this life to break maya like this.

My mom literally had to sleep with someone so that her son could enter into law school. My brother sacrificed his life to make his brother's life better.

Even if i didnt want them to do any of that they didnt give me a chance but to accept what they offered. That's how i joined NLU.

I couldn't even look at the books without seeing the half naked guy in the kitchen. But when i remember  what my family did for me i couldn't just sit and brood.

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