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"MAYA WILL DO A STRIP TEASE FOR US"  his voice roared across the classroom.

Maya froze. Blood rushing to her cheeks in embarrassment and shock.She didnt believe what he said. A strip tease?

"I.... i..." maya stumbled with  her words.

"Stop stuttering and start stripping." His voice dropped to a whisper.

Maya was about to cry. Heat started building in her eyes. She saw out of the corner of her eyes many girls from the senior group was getting tense as well. A girl with pure glasses stepped up and said

"Jeeth thats too much. You cant ask her to do that".

Jeeth's expression changed. His eyes going from playful to anger.

"Did i ask for your fucking opinion??" He shouted at her. The girl stepped  back a few feet.

"If you say another word again she wont be the one stripping. And you wont stop at that too" his venomous voice bought a chill up maya's spine.

This guy is really dangerous.  Maya thought.

He turned to maya again and his face plastered a fake smile. It made maya gag.

"Now you should start. I dont like waiting"

"I.. i cant" maya said her voice nothing but a whimper.

Seeing jeeth's smile widen maya figured on thing. If he smiles its not a good sign.

"What did you just say?" Jeeth asked her.

"I.. i..cant do it.Im sorry"

"WHAT DID YOU FUCKING SAY????" he screamed at maya.

Deja vu flashed in maya's  eyes. Her father screaming at her right before he would hit her when she was a kid. When jeeth raised his hand maya shut her eyes tightly and prepared for the impact. But instead he grabbed her injured hand and pressed into it. Maya cried in pain. It was when she heard a collective gasp fron the crowd. She looked up and saw Adhi standing up from his seat.He was looking at jeeth furiously. She wanted to stop him but the jeeth was still crushing her hand in his. Seeing adhi jeeth crushed even harder.

"Ahhhh" maya whimpered. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Thats enough" Adhi's deep voice boomed in the class. Jeeth looked taken aback for a moment but immediately recovered.

"Buddy you really wanna mess with me? I could destroy you in a snap of my fingers"

"I dont fucking care" Adhi walked towards them and released maya's hand from jeeth's.

Her bandage was drenched in blood. Adhi looked at her as if he was the one in pain. He took her by the other hand and walked out the classroom.The whole class gasped. Some clicked pictures on their phones. Preethi's eyes almost rolled out from their socket.They barely reached the door when jeeth spoke from their backs.

"Adhi buddy i know your life is hopeless but do you really want to spoil the girl's life too? "Adhi stopped his arms loosening around maya's arm. Maya looked back at jeeth to find him smirking knowing that his trick worked.

But adhi snapped out of his trance and pulled maya out of the class. Jeeth smile fell.

Rage replaced it.

Adhi didnt say a word to maya until they reached the medical room. The nurse looked at him confusingly but looking at maya's hand it was like she got her answer.

"Jeeth again?"

Adhi nodded. His expression still grave.

"Doesnt he get tired playing god."

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Where stories live. Discover now