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I woke up with the ding of my phone. When I opened the text message it took my breath away. There she was in her Unicorn hoodie just waking up. The haldi was today evening.

Yesterday was a small blip as Tara was freaking out because her top wasn't fitting. Something about being fat in 2 weeks. God knows what. So I didnt get to see her the whole day yesterday because she was busy with tara's outfit. Even though she was busy she had printed out our schedule for the day. We had to prepare the stage, all the photo backdrop areas, I had to click pictures print them and them hang them on Orange paper flowers, Also bangles tied together with yellow thread hanging from trees. And to say I sulked the whole day would be an understatement. Arjun was calling me pouty.

I was addicted to Maya, I am addicted to her. And im not a least bit concerned about it. I dont want to spend a minute apart from her. She looked so beautiful in the picture. Even though she had a bedhead, her hair was all over the place, She didnt even have makeup on. But I didnt care, not one bit. I was blushing through my teeth when I typed back the 15 heart emojis.

The reply came almost instantly, a gif of a girl waving kisses. The sticker message war kept going on for sometime then her last message was to complete my work from yesterday. I grinned and got up from my bed. Yes boss.

The house looked beautiful, every pillar of the house was decorated with swirls of orange flower chains. The courtyard was filled with chairs with yellow bows on them. There was three photo booths. One had a light green saree as backdrop and had kerosene lamps hanging at the side. Frames made with white paper flowers hung here and there for the guests to take pictures. I had no idea what the kerosene lamp was supposed to do.

Maya said and I quote "Its for the aesthetics"

The next photobooth or lets say seating area. It was just wooden benches put together, An old duvet thrown over it for the cushions, and a golden cloth draped over it. A backdrop with squares of pink and purple colors were stuck in a wooden stick pattern. And the last and the most important one was the seating area, the stage for the bride and groom. It was set up in the mandap, but its look completely changed. The wooden frame around was removed to reveal an open stage. The chairs for them were bean bags, the back drop designed my using lightbulbs hanging inside woven backets. orange, yellow, pink and white sarees draped in the background like a braid. Lines of flowers chains hanging from the top.

It looked absolutely stunning. No one will believe that it was made from scratch within the span of two weeks. I was so proud of maya. She had just worked magic here. Everyone was praising here about her work, But guess who wasn't. Her father. He would criticize everything she did. Even had ripped of some decoration once which led to a heated argument with Jeevan uncle and him.

if maya was hurt she didnt show it. But I knew she was.

Arjun and I have been trying to talk to my dad. Sort out our differences, Even though there is no justification what he did I understand it. So we were making progress. I talked to Jeeth. Now that was a talk. I dont want to victimise him, but I cant even imagine his situation. As a person who has been on the other side of blackmailing, it was bad enough of my situation but to be blackmailed by your own sexuality it was downright disgusting. Any feelings I had in my heart for Khushi was wiped away.

The guy is in love with me, and now im his brother. He is saying that he had now lost interest, he has a boyfriend in Canada. But I know he is just trying to make me feel better. So we are cool now.

As I was clicking my last minute pictures for the Photo tree, I noticed greeshma trying to sneak into my room. I ran behind her thinking she was going to do something stupid, but no she just sat in my bed hugged my pillow and cried. My heart ached for her. I can picture myself in her shoes. Sixteen and in love. But there wasn't anything I could do here, my presence will only make it worse. Besides I love Maya. So I silently walked away from her. Letting her cry out her sorrow.

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