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I will never get tired of this. Waking up next to maya, her face on my chest, her arms around me, her breath on my neck. It is as closest to heaven I will ever reach.

She stirred, rubbed her face on my chest and tightened her grip on my stomach. I smiled, she almost purred. She just a big cat. I pushed back the hair strands that was spread on her face. her eyes fluttered, I grimaced she was about to wake up. I immediately pulled my hand back and pretended to be asleep.

I could literally feel her being awkward. She slowly lifted her head and removed her arms. She got up and padded down to the bathroom. The smallest creaking of the floorboard made her hiss. I opened my eyes only after I heard the thud of the bathroom door. a chuckle left my mouth as I turned in my bed.

I know nothing is fixed, I know we are not going back to normal. But there is hope. I can earn her back. And I will never stop until I succeed.

I sat up in the bed and typed a long message to arjun describing the events of last night. I spent most of yesterday afternoon in this room talking to arjun on the phone. he must be dying to know the latest details.The message was so long that it took me almost 15 minutes to complete it. he wont wake up for a few hours, but when he does he's in for a treat. When I hit send I heard the thud of the bathroom once again.

My breath caught. There she was, her hair wet from the shower bundled up in a towel. she was wearing a dark green kurti and cream leggings. The skin of her neck and face glistening with a fine line of water. Her lips looked rosy and plum and seemed to invite me in, but I kept back. I cant just pounce on her every now and then. The kiss last night was just a method for both of us to stay sane. I know. But she looked so damn gorgeous.

Maya flashed me a small smile and turned towards the mirror. she removed the towel from her head and ruffled her hair. A small drop of water splashed towards my face. I gulped.

That's it. I cant do this.

I immediately grabbed my towel and ran to the bathroom. If I stay near her in this condition, I might do something drastic. I didnt even bother to remove my clothes when I emptied a pitcher of cold water on top of my head.


I was barely containing my laughter when i saw Adhi running to the bathroom. I love that i have this effect on him still. I stopped for a minute. is this even right? Should i be forgiving him so soon?

i mean I assume Tara told me to talk to him because arjun mustve told her about this. I have no reason to not believe him. No one would lie about their own mother. Would they?

I quickly combed my hair and fixed with two bobby pins. i wore a light shade of lipstick and applied kajal to my eyes. I took my dangly earrings from yesterday and put them on. I was searching for yesterday's dupatta when Raji aunty burst into our room.

It still feels weird to say our room. But its kind of nice.

"Maya why are you still in- oh" she stopped. I guess she believed i would still be in bed.
"Wow maya, you became responsible after marriage. Getting up in time and all ..." she beamed.

I smiled "Adhi is in the shower, we will- he will come out in a minute. ill come with you now" I bit my tongue, what with me and pluralising. Me and Adhi are not a we, Atleast not yet.

I found my dupatta and heard adhi's door opening. Then I remembered, he hadn't took any of his clothes with him. he will come out in a towel. oh dear god. I ran to the opening bathroom door and slammed it close. A curse boomed from inside and I figured I had crushed his fingers.

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